So Beirut City Centre is finally opening today and I was just able to get hold of the list of all brands that will be available at the mall. Almost half of the shops will be operating as of the opening, and the rest will gradually open over the next two months including VOX Cinemas. You can click on the below two tables for more details.
I’m sorry I had to remove the lists as per City Centre’s request since they’re not official. I’ll be posting an official list as soon as it comes out.
Update #2:
Here’s an official list published in one of City Centre’s brochures. The starred names are opening soon.
No Virgin Store !!!
Eh raed they’re all fucked up, no virgins!
no Ikea !!!!!!!!!!!!
No Forever 21 – fashion woman wear
there is a victorias secret store there that you did not mention. and there is talk of forever 21 opening
open hollister and abercrombie&fitch stores
you have to open abercrombie&fitch, virgin megastore and bershka !!!
no new look and forever 21 walaw !!
Is there forever 21??? Anno really there should be!!!
There should be
– Abercrombie & Fitch
– Forever 21
– Bershka
– Pull and bear
– Stradivarius
you should either open virgin or another well known book store and over that you should probably also open forever 21 due to all the answers
we want hollister !!!!!!
WE WANT HOLLISTER. Please open hollister in Lebanon in such cities: tripoli, Beirut,and other places. Please try and opening stores because I’m sick and tired of ordering them online and paying 1,000$ for shipping. WALLAH MA BE5RA MASARI ANA
Hollisterrr pls