Ready, set, die! For employees only.

I rarely play games, especially on Facebook. But one of my work colleagues begged me to try a game yesterday, it’s about a salary man (mitleh w mitikon!) that has to find his way to… death!

Simple and realistic, don’t you agree?

The game consists of 50 levels and as you progress the stages get trickier, there are several objects you can use to kill yourself, and in later stages the game will even break it’s own rules to surprise you.

Give it a try, I originally played it on Facebook but you later found other links to it.

Facebook link:
Alternative link:

Let me know if you’re finding difficulty with tricky levels, and I’ll post a walkthrough for the game.

This post was inspired by the fact that I took a day off today for MYSELF, but spent the whole day in front of my laptop doing silly stupid tasks, that appeared out of no where, remotely for work!!!!

Do you think my boss will be reading this? I wonder…

2 Responses to Ready, set, die! For employees only.

  1. mir January 13, 2009 at 5:57 am #

    I am playing … i am playing… halla2 i am still in the loading of the game :P.. bas eno, will ask you bas 3allek ๐Ÿ˜›


  1. Ready, set, die! For employees only. < It’s all about the trends - May 30, 2009

    […] break itโ€™s own rules to surprise you. Give it a try, I originally played it on Facebook but you click for more var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : […]

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