Cola Barbir! – Pink Taxis


Hamra 3ayneh? Cola Barbir? Dawra? London????

These cute pink taxis will take you anywhere you want only if you’re… a woman (Talk about sex discrimation?), this is what “Banet Taxi” is all about, female taxi drivers in pink  Peugeot 206 cars serving women only OR women accompanied with their spouses.

The idea is not new in the arab world, a similar service is available in the United Arab Emirates, so Nawal Yaghi Fakhri (the owner of “Banat Taxi”) did not come up with something innovative, she actually even imitated the same color as in the pink taxis of UAE. However, I like what she did, good for her she was the first to introduce this service to Lebanon and take advantage of an unsatisfied need for the Lebanese ladies which is to let them feel “extra secure” when traveling from one place to another, not to forget the need of some ladies who like to use a ”

If you’re interested in Banat Taxi, you can contact them on these two number: 04/419006 or 70/286896. And remember, it’s for Women only!

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11 Responses to Cola Barbir! – Pink Taxis

  1. Liliane March 13, 2009 at 12:37 pm #

    I like

  2. Serpico March 13, 2009 at 9:24 pm #

    Just a side note, the service is not only tailored to the Lebanese ladies, but also to a growing number of wealthy female tourists from conservative Muslim countries in the Gulf region.

  3. Rami March 13, 2009 at 10:47 pm #

    100% true Serpico

  4. Maya March 15, 2009 at 12:44 am #

    What I actually like is that the drivers are women… We seldomly see women drivers in Beirut. Dont they look jagal?!?

  5. Sefir Tmeneh April 23, 2009 at 12:35 am #

    That’s clever, how much is a ride in a Banet Taxi?Assuming there is a premium

  6. Dr Sacharova September 28, 2009 at 3:41 am #

    Bravo… I am impressed… I think it is a good move. It is important for us to feel secure & safe when using a Taxi.

  7. cute male October 21, 2009 at 2:54 pm #

    bravo rania….. ahla rania bi ahla taxi…….

  8. shirley February 25, 2010 at 9:50 am #

    The article is totally wrong. It is not about sex discrimination but female protection. Most of my friends have been sexually harassed by male drivers. this has got to stop. Moreover, if women are accompanied by their male Friends they may ride. You gotto look at the culture and the issues women face everyday before you label sex discrimination t

  9. Marina February 10, 2014 at 11:42 pm #

    those cars were wrap vinyl or painted? someone knows?

  10. maryam February 26, 2014 at 10:38 pm #

    very very good


  1. banat region - April 4, 2010

    […] in transilvania and banat region the poppy seeds are crushed in a paste who is a filling for a …Cola Barbir! Pink Taxis | +961Hamra 3ayneh? Cola Barbir? Dawra? London???? These cute pink taxis will take you anywhere you want […]

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