This is a video of a REAL car theft that has occurred on saturday morning, the thieves as you will see were acting so cool and appear to be professionals! It only took them 2 attempts to unlock and turn on the car. The whole thing was captured on some security camera installed by one of the street residents.
I found it weird when the video said the stolen car is a 1988 BMW 323. Correct me if I am wrong, but thieves usually target new cars, don’t you think this car might end up being used in a car bombing?
You know a friend of mine got his car stolen. They had the incident filmed by a camera. you could see the face of the thief. like in details. yet, they werent able to find him…. i thought we had these detective tools in Beirut, like the CSI ones and all. eh…la’!
In CSI thieves don’t go hide in the beqaa velley! That makes all the difference I think 😛
hehehehe… caught red handed. and I agree, they usually steal new cars – Whats he doing stealing a 1988 BMW?!
Rami now this is a good point you raise.
Whooa… Just a little stereotypical don’t you think Rami