From Hamra to New York


Is it only me? Or do others also feel that Hamra resembles to New York? (Tsu2, I’m not out of my mind yet).

I used to rarely go to Hamra until recently when I got bored of all the other places like Downtown Beirut and Achrafiyeh, which are currently being heavily invaded by “wozziyyeh” teenage boys and girls especially on weekends!

Few weeks ago I went there in a hopeless attempt to find some new nice spot, and I was surprised by how beautiful Hamra is! Although I live in west Beirut, but since ever Hamra meant “traffic jam” to me, so I have always avoided passing by there. It isn’t like I have NEVER passed by Hamra before! But I’ve never passed and noticed the nice places I’m observing today.

The numerous neighboring shops, the cozy restaurants and cafés and the cozy streets, they all remind me of New York. I know that for some people there is no way to compare, but I have almost re-experience the same feeling I once had in New York everytime I go to Hamra for a walk.

I can call the Hamra area as “Little New York”… and no, once again I tell you that I’m not out of my mind yet!

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5 Responses to From Hamra to New York

  1. overandout March 9, 2009 at 10:59 am #

    No, No you’re not out of your mind, I feel exactly the same! Now you should just find a way to drag your friends there (and tell me how you did it 🙂

  2. Liliane March 9, 2009 at 12:46 pm #

    haha no way! I was preparing something similar to write, you’ll see it soon! it’s also about Hamra! but for me, I wanted to compare it to another city 🙂

  3. Rami March 9, 2009 at 2:19 pm #

    Cool! So it’s not only me! 😀

    @ overandout:
    I did find a way to drag my friends there 😉 De Prague and Le Rouge in Makdessi street are among the places that make you come again to Hamra.

    @ Liliane:
    I’ll be waiting for that post, curious to know to which city you will be comparing it! 🙂


  1. +961 » Neizil gazdir 3al corniche! - April 4, 2009

    […] Ain El-Mrayseh + Sunday Afternoon = Bad Idea. New York (aka Hamra) would have been a much better […]

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