Welcome back Maxime Chaya!

On April 25th 2009 Maxime Chaya reached the top of the world, the North Pole, and planted the Lebanese flag there! And on the occasion, Maxime called the Lebanese president Michael Suleiman to report to him his great achievement (Video available on YouTube)


Today Maxime returned back to Beirut with yet another success, and he’s now officially the 1st arab and only the 12th person in history to complete the Explorers Grand Slam.

Welcome back Maxime!

4 Responses to Welcome back Maxime Chaya!

  1. Boris Said April 28, 2009 at 12:02 pm #

    Wow, that is awesome!!! 🙂 Must be a dream to reach that far!

  2. mir April 28, 2009 at 2:31 pm #

    I immagine how dull and boring daily life is for him !

    hope he gets the support that he needs 🙂
    and thanks for keeping us up to date 🙂

  3. LionHeart April 30, 2009 at 5:07 am #

    Wow, i love it. you are really great guy thanks for sharing this amazing stuff 😉


  1. maxime chaya - March 18, 2010

    […] urshalim.blogspot.com … comment Trackback. No comments yet. No trackbacks yet. Name (required) …Welcome back Maxime Chaya! | +961On April 25th 2009 Maxime Chaya reached the top of the world, the North Pole, and planted the […]

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