Brand new theme! By Rami on June 25, 2009 in Blog news Once again, I got a new theme, I know it’s not good to change themes very frequently but this one is “cleaner” and its comment section is much cooler! What do you think? 961, plus961, theme, wordpress
Yep it’s neater. bas sbat 3lei
Btw do I win anything for being your top commentator?
Yeah, I think it’s cool. Although I think the “+961” at tbe top might look better in a font other than Times New Roman, IMHO.
Mabrouk for the new theme! The comments section is definitely cooler, and the layout extremely simple. The simpler, the better.
ok i promise i wont change it anytime soon! I dunno what do you get… the linkback under Top Commentators isn’t enough?
I agree, I’ll try to alter it. Problem is that I lack design skills!
I like.