Hommos & Tabbouleh are us!

hommos tabbouleh

After breaking the world records for the longest Dabke chain and the largest Kebbe plate, the Lebanese people decided it is time to set a new world record, making the biggest Hommos and Tabbouleh! And this time the event IS for a purpose, it will be a part of the campaign to reclaim ownership of the 2 traditional dishes after Israel started to export them as Israeli.

The event is going to take place at Saifi Market in Downtown Beirut on October 24 and 25 and will also include various other entertaining activities. The dishes are expected to spread over an area exceeding 5,000 square meters, I wonder where are they going to get THAT MUCH parsley and hommos from!!

Last but not least, and while talking about world records, the people of Arnaoun (A northern Lebanese village) thought it would be cool to break to world record for the longest bridal scarf! Check this article for more details. It seems that we have nothing to worry about nowadays other than breaking world records… w habal.

P.S: I bet some Israeli is going to read this post and laugh really hard at it. At the end they’re still exporting their goods, and we’re still busy thinking of a way to reclaim ownership of a couple of dishes…

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17 Responses to Hommos & Tabbouleh are us!

  1. Patrick Semaan October 21, 2009 at 1:11 am #

    But is it certain that Hummus is Lebanese? I think both countries Israel and Lebanon are claiming “ownership” for hummus without real evidence or facts.

    What I personally know is that the Phoenicians are the ones who introduced the Middle East with Chick Peas, they were the first to bring it in the area from trades.

    But the truth about who created the dish is vague and not certain..

  2. Laura October 21, 2009 at 8:40 am #

    Thank you for the tip. I’ll be in Beirut with my lebanese husband and my daughter in a few days.
    I’d be glad to join a hommos and tabbouleh party: by the way, they’re my favourite lebanese dishes..
    Greetings from Italy, and congratulations on your blog!

  3. David M Zakharia October 21, 2009 at 11:37 pm #

    Well To Help out I tried To Find The Origin Online But Like Mentioned It Is Too Old and Too Common To Find A Specific Origin . The Closest I Found Was On Wikipedia Stating It Was From Damascus ! But I Cant Verify That Anywhere Else .

    I Do Have Partially Unrelated Question . . Labneh ! Is It Lebanese ? Because I Dont See It Big In Other Countries ?

    As Far As Tabouli Goes I Know Many People Do It With Slightly Different Recipes ! Is It Safe To Say We Have The Best Recipe ?

    Im Extremely Excited To See Pics Of The Dishes Pop Up Online ! It Is An Insane Phenomenon ! Lebanon Is The Best ! I Swear People Do Not Appreciate It Enough ! I Live In Texas Now ! But I Would Give Up Everything To Go Live In Lebanon !

  4. Patrick Semaan October 24, 2009 at 4:28 pm #

    Photos of the record breaking event http://twitpic.com/photos/arzleb
    Nice Favicon btw 😉

  5. Rami October 25, 2009 at 12:09 am #

    Thanks you Patrick for the link! I missed attending the event today, and I think I’ll miss the tabbouleh one tomorrow!
    Regarding the Favicon, I got it from the website of a talented graphic designer 😛

  6. Patrick Semaan October 25, 2009 at 5:03 am #

    There is a tabbouleh attempt too? Hehe, brilliant.

  7. Carine April 19, 2010 at 5:31 pm #

    I Don’t see anything “habal” about such activities. They are festive and joyful. And i don’t see anything wrong about making sure our culture is not being stolen by Israeli. I think the protection of a country’s culture is as important as the protection of one’s land. It’s sad to see that you’re embarrassed about such an event, and always speaking in the shadow of Israeli who might seem to you modern and occidental but are nothing but primitive, barbaric and closed minded people. It’s sad that you can’t see that they have created and artificial country over blood and now are looking for a culture to match it with. Well they won’t take the Lebanese one.

  8. hanadi December 22, 2011 at 12:26 am #

    please if i want to ask about some detailts of this event whom should i contact and how
    please if any 1 can reply …

  9. Rami December 22, 2011 at 9:16 am #

    I guess it made it to several articles 2 years ago… you may just google it I think.


  1. Tweets that mention Hommos & Tabbouleh are us! | +961 -- Topsy.com - October 21, 2009

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rami Fayoumi and Lebanese Writer, Lebanesetwits. Lebanesetwits said: Hommos & Tabbouleh are us! http://bit.ly/1HFd0K […]

  2. Twitted by MarieNakhle - October 21, 2009

    […] This post was Twitted by MarieNakhle […]

  3. Global Voices Online » Lebanon Ups the Ante in the Hummus War - October 25, 2009

    […] with a humourous caricature of the event: Yesterday, Lebanon broke the world record by making the largest hommos plate. I passed by the event location after the plate was made, and did not find it THAT big… So I […]

  4. And the largest Tabbooleh dish goes to… « Armigatus - October 25, 2009

    […] considers this contest ridiculous, Rami thinks it is habal, Maya that it is […]

  5. A hommos story « Maya’s Amalgam - October 26, 2009

    […] Yesterday, Lebanon broke the world record by making the largest hommos plate. I passed by the event location after the plate was made, and did not find it THAT big… So I […]

  6. Global Voices in Italiano » Libano: rilancio alla grande nella contesa dell’Hummus - October 29, 2009

    […] con un'analisi pungente: Ieri il Libano ha registrato un nuovo record mondiale cucinando il piatto più grande di hommos [in]. Sono passata proprio lì vicino, ma subito dopo la presentazione, e non mi è sembrato poi […]

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