I came across these 2 books at Virgin Megastore.
1. “Le Trésor de Saddam:1 Les milliard de dollars au soleil!”
2. “Rouge Liban, Objectif: Hassan Nasrallah le chef du Hezbollah!”
I have no idea what the 2 books are about but it’s cool seeing the names of Saddam Hussein and Hassan Nasrallah associated with the cover photos!
P.S: I hope this post will not cause a rage in the streets soon.
these books Have been there for the past 7 years and haven’t caused any rage…Some silly writer needs big names to sell :”عجباً عندما تحاول بغاث الطير دائماً ان تقدم في مخالب النسور وتنسى انها طيور زاحفة وليست طائرة”
@Hassan Kh
ya akhou el sharmouta yalli katab hal matal bil arabiya…
alyad lati satamtad ila sila7 lmokawama sanakta3ouha wlsha5es lazi yatal as7ab lmokawama sanoum7ihi b izn lah
fuckkkkkkkkk u assholes …when u reach just hassan nasrallas sheos level then u can think about talking about him……..:@:@ SANAKTA3 AYDEKOM ALLATI katabat haza el kalam wwada3t alsayyad hassan nasralla ma3 7akarat saddam
I think it is very clever, it’s trying to brainwash you to thinking that sayyed is like saddam, and i think the guy who posted it is working for virgin, or they are trying to get you to come to virgin and buy books both ways its brainwasing,and last but not lest the books are by gerard de villiers a far-right nationalist franch man whose cheap books are to be found only in train stations and airports.
Well Guys objectively we should be proud to have such a lebanese leader!! Israelians respect him why dont ya? Anyways when the lebanese people learn to love each other, then we’ll be free, otherwise we will stay slaves and dolls forever.
Just wake up!