Although the new price lists for gasoline were effective as of yesterday, almost all gas stations didn’t start to sell at the new reduced prices until today!
Anyway, here’s a list of 5 things we can now buy for the 5,000 L.L we’ll be saving on every 20 liters (though I’m confident they’ll soon be increasing the prices again):
- 20 Bonjus pyramids OR Ghandour’s Tarboush
- 2 Beef burgers from McDonalds (You know the ones with only ketchup, a slice of pickle, and beef patty, I love them!)
- A big fat Tawouk sandwich from Malek Al Tawouk
- 5 rides on a public bus
- 5 DVD’s from Bourj Hammoud
What else?
– 20 nescafe to start 20 days
– 20 unica
– 20 nouba
– 20 3ilkeh
– 5 mne2ish zaatar
– man2oushtein jebneh
– 10 kyez bezer lal tef2eyeh bi iyem l dajar l moumel
You can buy 4 Activia yogurt drinks, you know the one that clears your intestines after you’ve watched all the news.
You can buy a use-once umbrella, to use during the next secular march.
You can buy a joint and watch Moammar Gaddafi’s next speech.
You can buy a box of panadol nights and sleep tight!
You can’t buy a coffee at Starbucks to wake you up though!!
– one aub printing card
– something (or two) from H&M when they have crazy sales
– umbrella from a dude on hamra when it’s raining
– five man2oushes (ma3 khedra) from bliss st.
– a series from the bourj (that’s bourj hammoud to you).
LMAO you are hilarious! I love it!
Great additions! Especially Tarek’s Activia
When you say you are saving 5,000 with those prices, do you mean the prices were actually 37,000???? Dude, how long have I been gone?
Yep, 37,000. 3a shway people were about to exchange 50ml of gasoline as Valentine gifts..
To add to the lists above…
— 2 kaak ma3 summak and Picon
— 2 packs of cigarettes (yes, I know, we aren’t supposed to smoke, but some still do)
— Ride in a servees twice
— A cappuccino at Younes (although it is LL4,500)….
Great post!
sabeh zgheer 2ala la immo el bakheeleh
“mama heik heik rokhes el benzine, 3tine 5,000 Liara”
Raddit 3alei ” 5,000 Lira !!!!! la shou el 2,500 !!!! w la shou treed el 2,000 Lira !!!! khod 1,000 Lira w 2soma 500 b 500 inta w khayyak !!!”
ONE parking in hamra :(:( when i put it this way it sounds sad hahaha bas i’d go for the dvds, unica, popcorn lzghir in the movies and tarek’s activia !
Beautiful posts and pictures
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haha great post!
5 dvds not only from Burj hammoud..also from Sabra! same quality
Today it has been increased by 600 LL, so we still have 4400 LL to buy anything