I went to Brgr Co. some time around September last summer after all the promising photos and messages I saw on their Facebook page at that time, but unfortunately I got disappointed with my overall experience.
When I arrived there, I was surprised the place had only two tables occupied while Classic Burger Joint who’s just around the corner had a pile of people waiting for their turn to go inside.
Anyway, my first disappointment was the difference I noticed between the prices on their Facebook page at that time and their actual menus in the restaurant. Both menus felt overpriced anyway (14,500L.L for the 4oz burger, and 25,500L.L for the 8oz).
I started by ordering some onion rings which tasted average and looked weird.
The major disappointment was with the 4oz burger I orderd. The patty and topping were OK, nothing super as I was promised, and the bun was very dull! I guess the least one should expect from a burger place is to offer fresh buns right? Well, check how fresh mine was.
I know a lot of people who agree with me about Brgr Co. being an average place, but I also heard a lot of people claiming it is among the best burger joints in Beirut, at least that’s what Khaled thinks, “Brgr co one of the best burgers I’ve tried in town!”. And I really trust Khaled’s taste buds since I’ve met him once, and I know what he does. So people seem to be divided about the place!
I guess the only explanation for this is that their service could just probably be inconsistent… what do you think?
I agree with you, went to them when they first opened, drawn in with the master Chef publicity they were floating around. but it was a dissapointment, you get the plate in sections ( Drink + 25 min + burger + 10min + Fries), the onion rings in the burger were soggy bc they put it under the patty in the burger with the sauce. Classic burger join is the number one place still.
Rami, i think you will be sued :p
This is unreal, I’ve been going there for 6 months straight…it’s the best burger in Beirut, quality speaks for itself.
Common guys be fair, they had just opened. I appreciate their effort and I truly believe they rose up to the challenge in no time. bravo burger co. keep walking.
Awful dude, simply awful..
their only salad is a small Cabbage with Mustard on the top!
The food tastes very normal, very very normal.. I went there once and was very disappointed.. I’ll never go again..
Hope they’ll not sue me..
I agree, CBJ is great. But frequently changing the suppliers of their potatoes (to support the Lebanese farmers) is sometimes badly affecting their fries.
… and then I’ll maybe get my 5 minutes of fame, and have all the bloggers of this universe showing support w khabriyyeit
To each his own taste and quality standards.
Well,i have to tatally agree with Rami,I came all the way from Tripoli with my vegetarian friend to taste the so called best burger in town and i was totally dissapointed.I don’t say it’s bad but it doesn ‘t deserve the buzz plus it’s way too expensive.The 6oz burger costs more than the 6oz at Aishti People restaurant that is way better still not as good as other burgers in Lebanon.
My favorite to date is Pascucci’s(Kaslik),then comes Classic Burger Joint.A friend of mine told me that the best burger he’s ever had is at Bar Loui(Gemmayzeh) but didn’t try it yet.
And Rami don’t worry,if they sue you,i’ll deffend you for free as i’m a lawyer.:D
Pascucci, classic burger…I’m surprised you heard of aishti angel rock!!!
Malek,well probably you’re right the people that eat at Pascucci and Classic Burger Joint never heard about Aishti or Brgbr Co,they go buy their cloth at Salvation Army,and wait next to garbage cans so they can collect their food.Or maybe since i’m from Tripoli,i’d be so busy burning tires and destroying Al Jazeera cars to hear about Aishti.
To your surprise Malek some people do wear Dior jeans with H&m t-shirts coz they got taste to mix and match with style,and eat delicious hummus at Akra(a small hummus restaurant in Tripoli’s souks) for 3000LL and still enjoy a great filet de boeuf at Ecafe in byblos,or a luscious Angel Cake at Ginette(Gemmayzeh)or maybe you haven’t heard of them coz they’re not too much publisized.
Most probably you’re one of those airheaded lebanese who wait to read about the “what to do and where to eat” in those cheap ass magazines that decide for you,and would rather eat shit in a much publicized restaurant and say it’s delicious instead of eating a real delicious meal in a small underpublisized restaurant.
Well Malek did you run to Couquelet in Gemmayzeh it’s the place to be since you love the hype,though the food don’t worth shit.But as i can see you’ll love it.
Actually, you over analyzed my statement, I was actually targeting your taste in food Mr. Rock. Now if I understand correctly, you enjoy burgers at classic burger joint and pascucci if I’m not mistaken…well first I’d like to confirm that taste varies from one individual to another…but let’s agree that none of those two are your hummus at “akra” because they are both quite “publicized” and not the spots that you discreetly discovered while walking in an old alley in Beirut.
Second, to remain focused on the subject…it’s not rocket science to understand what type of burger you like…coleslaw, ketchup, batata, banadourra, and a beautiful piece of kafta. I respect that! I swear I do…
As for the airhead part, perhaps I am…they told me so when I applied to Med school…as for couquelet, I haven’t been yet, but I’ll be sure to give it a try since you think it’s that bad, im sure their main problem is that they use quality products, and charge you for them.
As for the people of tripoli, my utmost respect goes to them!! As for you sir, a colleague of mine, a great doctor, specializes in anger management…society seems to be getting to you! Let me know…
Oh great! Now I can name and shame as much as I want!
And take it easy guys
Well Dr Malek you seem so stuck on your idea that every burger that doesn’t come from Brgr Co is kafta or rubish,and you’re the only conoisseur who knows about quality products.Allan Richman eat your heart out here comes Dr Malek and will dethrone you as a number one food critic,Mario Batali and James Oliver will be shaking while you try out their food,for you and only you are intiteled to tell if they’re using quality products or not.All restaurants are rushing to higher their prizes for it’s your criteria to judge quality from no quality.But guys don’t worry Dr. Malek is so nice he’ll transfer you to his anger managment friend if you disagree with him.
And i should apologize to Dr. Malek,i thought he was airheaded and i’m wrong he got accepted to med school by telling them how to tell a delicious burger from a bad quality one.
And as i don’t like banadoura and coleslaw,i thought the items on the burger plate were batata and ketchup when i was eating at Brgr Co.As usual i was wrong those yellow sticks next to my burger are secret quality products that only Dr.Malek knows about.
Dr Malek rocks….:D
@AngelRock Angel, You Rock!
I’m not sure why so many people in Lebanon think they know it all when it comes to burgers! Then again, the Lebs know everything, don’t they.
Look around, everyone is a “knig”. King of Fries, King of Falafel, King of juice…it’s a shame the Americans beat the Lebs with Burger King!
Folks…I have seen so many of those blogs going around from people who claim to be “The Burger Conoisseur” to those who simply think they have The Best Taste in the world, or as my Lebo friends would say ” Za best in za word” Ya3niiii.
Let’s get back to earth and the fact that a hamburger is a hamburger. 1st one made was in the late 1800s so it is not a new invention, guys! What’s the big idea?
The saying goes @different strokes for different folks” So, those of you who like Burger Co, Grrrrreat..Go there! and those who prefer CBJ, yup, you go there too! You have the freedom of choice, just to try to impose it on others!
My point to you guys is, just let the music play! and if you really want to provide anyone with comments online, then make it objective and not so..”Ohhh, this is betttter, cause I go there and this is even moooore better cause I know the Ooowner and he’s coool”!
“A burger is a burger, just different tastes!”