On abuse of power and ISF

Nice catch by Salim Al Lawzi.

Salim spotted two members from the ISF washing the Mercedes of some Lebanese official in Achrafiyeh. Think of it, if for the simplest things, in this case a car wash, this official is abusing his power, can you imagine what he does when dealing with other more important issues?

On the other hand, that most probably explains why ISF members act like douchebags with people, they get abused by their supperiors and they eventually have to let it out at others, us! (Although they do have some fun sometimes)

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3 Responses to On abuse of power and ISF

  1. Mariam June 1, 2011 at 8:29 pm #

    I wonder what do people do to becomes police officers? and on avg how old are they when they start working?

  2. Life with Subtitles June 1, 2011 at 11:19 pm #

    What this post needs is a clear indication of the license plate and the name of the politician.

  3. Gilles June 2, 2011 at 2:14 pm #

    The number is 343 but not sure which zone.

    Maybe we can use the leaked database to figure out who the owner is.

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