I just stumbled upon this cool offer by The Hangout restaurant on Facebook. They’re challenging people to come on February 12th and 13th with an authentic Lebanese Lira which can buy them a platter of their choice on these two days!
I’m sure many people still have authentic liras in their drawers, and I hope there’s no trick behind The Hangout’s offer. Anyway, for more about The Hangout, you can check out their Facebook page here.
Thank you Rami, for posting about the Lira competition .
Definitely there is no tricks behind this offer: The Hangout Beirut is preserving the Lebanese heritage in a fun way…
Hope to see you
Thank you again
The Social Media Team
The Hangout Beirut
just for the record, a lebanese lira (in paper) value would be higher than the value of the plate, the 1 lira is no longer in circulation, thus it’s value now is purely for collection.
the Lebanese lira is being sold for approximately 20-100$ on the internet !
so yes the offer is great! but not for the guys that give their lira’s but for the restaurant that would be able to sell 5-10$ dishes for $20++
so yeah lira wara lira : it’s a good business!
I did honestly wonder about the current value of a lira versus that of a platter, but I never thought it could be worth that much!
With the collection I have, I guess I can make a fortune in a few years from now!
any idea where we can sell those liras
i d really appreciate ur help on that
Hello Abdallah, we are not doing any business with The Lira.
The hangout Beirut is preserving the Lebanese heritage in a fun way
We now have 32 liras with the signatures of our guests that we will frame and hang soon on our picture wall.
Hope to see you soon.
The Social Media Team
The Hangout Beirut