Onno Restaurant – Bourj Hammoud

Onno Bourj Hammoud (8)

Back when I posted about Varouj, several people recommended that I go try Onno, another Armenian restaurant in Bourj Hammoud, and I totally regret not doing so until lately as I found it really fantastic!

The restaurant is located right underneath the bridge that connects Achrafieh to Dekweneh facing Life Center, and it is quite small and cozy with a few tables that fit around 20 people I guess. So don’t go there expecting something fancy, as the focus there is the food, which is cooked by the family who owns the place.

Onno Bourj Hammoud (1) Onno Bourj Hammoud (2) Onno Bourj Hammoud (3)

We ordered the following: Basterma with quail egg, two pieces of soubereg, cherry kebab, batata harra, mouhammara, soujouk, and two soft drinks.

Onno Bourj Hammoud (4) Onno Bourj Hammoud (6) Onno Bourj Hammoud (5)

The portions were pretty generous and tasted quite good as well, I especially loved the cherry kebab and basterma since it was the first time for me to try it with quail eggs. And the best part had to be the bill, which came at 55,000 L.L for everything we ordered,which is less than half what you would pay at other places like Mayrig or Mayas, for much more authentic Armenian food in my opinion.

Onno Bourj Hammoud (7)

Needless to say, Onno is totally recommended, and I’m planning to go again soon to try the other stuff they have like manti, quails, and frog legs. Check below what Alain Bourdain had to say about it in his travel and food show No Reservations back in 2011.


For those who are interested, Onno’s phone number is 03 801 476.

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5 Responses to Onno Restaurant – Bourj Hammoud

  1. Sareen May 24, 2013 at 9:29 am #

    Nice find on the video! You should have tried Mante Rami 😀

    • Rami May 24, 2013 at 10:08 am #

      I’ve already tried Mante several times at Varouj, I wanted to try it out at Onno but I only had Farah with me and felt like we ordered too much for two people. Will definitely have it next time 😉

  2. chantal May 24, 2013 at 10:24 am #

    It looks delicious, should try it!

  3. ONNO Restaurant May 27, 2013 at 5:12 pm #

    Thank you Rami for sharing your experience at Onno’s.

    It was our pleasure to welcome you at our restaurant & glad to know you liked it.

    Looking forward to see you again and again!


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