I Can’t Believe MTV is Going This Low #el3ama3alMTV

I didn’t feel like I really have to comment on the MTV video that was making rounds on social media website because enough was already being said by the people, and I simply couldn’t have said it better than the video published by El 3ama which garnered hundreds of thousands of views.

The video is unfortunately no more available to view because it was apparently too hard for MTV to digest so they reported it to both Facebook and YouTube for copyright claims, and el3ama’s page on Facebook got consequently suspended for 3 days.

I think it is really a shame for such TV station that has already suffered from censorship by the authorities in the early 2000s when it was shut down for several years to actually do the same with a satirist such as Ghayd Chammas. And it isn’t like what he stated in his video was… MTV and other stations are all delivering very bad content most of the time, they all try to use the sex appeal to attract viewers, and their online presence with their clickbait articles is a complete disaster.

What MTV showed is that is that they are no better than the General Security who censor movies that eventually end up flooding DVD shops around the country. Regardless whether Ghayd is right or wrong in his claims, it is about time for everyone to understand that freedom of speech is a sacred right and fortunately for us there are tens of other websites to publish such content, and I guarantee you will see the video re-uploaded somewhere else with possibly double the views. They could’ve simply let it go but they’re giving it more exposure now that they want it to be taken offline!

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2 Responses to I Can’t Believe MTV is Going This Low #el3ama3alMTV

  1. Guardians January 6, 2019 at 12:20 am #

    “”FREEDOM Of SPEECH”” or “”FREEDOM Of HATE”” !????

    To be 100% honest we felt a strong mistrust about you and your program. We don’t understand your offensive negative attacks against Lebanon and the Lebanese people! As to your hatred for MTVleb, they truly DON’T deserve any kind of heavy criticism and especially Not Hatred. They are the most professional Lebanese Tv Channel there is, not only in Lebanon but worldwide. Most of their programs are designed to raise social awareness and have multi educational purposes. They offer top quality cultural educational and entertaining programs, and their quality Staff are incredibly natural and professional – Most Lebanese feel very grateful and proud to have them. It’s the ONLY TV Station that is 100% LEBANESE, and Not Arab-like – Bless them, Lebanon needs them!

  2. michel April 21, 2019 at 10:49 pm #

    Exorbitant Levels of Air Pollution in Lebanon!?
    Dear Friend, your repeated offensive negative attacks against Lebanon, the Lebanese people and the government is too heavy and deeply depressing! Have you forgotten that Lebanon is STILL held Hostage by Iran and Syria through their Terrorist military organization Hezballah and the 30+ years of the Syrian savage Occupation matching anything we have read about the Nazi occupation of France or the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan!!!!! And how the “”Arab league”” turned its back on us and how S Arabia the West and Israel financed terrorism to destabilized and destroy our country!!!! We must STOP hating each other and complaining and start working together with the few good people in the Government. They really need our help for the Syrians to leave and return to their country. We can do the same as we did in 2005! What are we waiting for!!!!??

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