Virgin ticketing box office ridiculous internet charges

Have you noticed that Virgin’s ticketing box office imposes a 3.5%  as “internet charges” on your total payment for tickets purchased through their website?

The main advantage of online purchasing is that people usually get deals at a lower price in the comfort of their home. Virgin probably didn’t get that right. Next time I have to make a ticket purchase, I’ll just go to one of their branches instead of using their website.

Thanks @sam_lb

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4 Responses to Virgin ticketing box office ridiculous internet charges

  1. omar zein June 9, 2011 at 12:49 pm #

    thats right, and one more thing,

    when u buy online usually u get deals at a lower price in the comfort of your home
    and u should save going to the branch and u can take your online ticket to the concert in stead of waiting by the line

    but in our virgin u buy the ticket online for more price the you have to go the their branch and wait by the line like a stupid to get your ticket ..
    so whats the point ??

  2. Liliane June 9, 2011 at 4:27 pm #

    It is silly, but question, you just noticed that? It’s been there for years.

  3. Rami June 9, 2011 at 4:32 pm #

    Yep, I never bought a ticket through their website before.

  4. Joe June 12, 2011 at 1:47 pm #

    Mmmmm… interesting thing to note but here are couple of pointers that may be interesting..
    1- what is the value of 3.5% looking at it from the convenience of doing it with a click of a button.. i.e. time wasted, fuel, parking fees etc…
    2- i think and am not sure there is a high cut of those 3.5% is imposed by the banks since online payment is new and banks in our country are slaggish i am not sure this markup is for virgin

    just trying to throw a perspective on the matter but 100% agree that online payment should be lower..

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