Both of these two ex MP’s are actually doctors, yet they were able to drag their discussion to the lowest levels of nawraneh while debating about a foreign matter! Make sure to also check the outrageous comments on the video. That’s just insane!
4 Responses to Mustapha Alloush and Fayez Shokr fighting live on MTV
Khaled El-Daher VS Taleb Ibrahim | +961 -
December 17, 2012
[…] another classy debate over the revolution in […]
I wasn’t at all expecting that! That was completely disgusting!
the whole show is a mess, every time the guests fight (well this time has gone too far) but the host could never control his guests, the show shouldnt continue
This is as low as it gets. The host is a fail. Actually they all are fails. In the country of liberties, we find ourselves surrounded by politicians who, despite their degrees, apparently don’t have the manners. I wonder why would the host insist on having a talk show with these too, considering they are of completely opposite sides ? Didn’t he weigh the consequences before executing ? Where can we see the comments on this video ? Although I doubt it’s going to be anything constructive, since supporters of both sides will be firing at each other.