Aside from a simple thyme or cheese man’ouche, what else beats a breakfast at Paul??
Author Archive | Rami
Lebanese blogosphere weekly link roundup (2011/01/02)
15 New links for this roundup.
- Tripoli: People & Places Photo Exhibition (Part II)
Nour Spot - You Know You’re NAIVE When…
Ink On The Side - the in-between: Nef3a
Sleepless in Beirut - Stop This Insane Butros Harb Law
Beirut Spring - Lebanon’s Sects… Metaphorically
Simply golB - Ana 3melta hon
Boy breathing Beirut - Clapping on landings
From Mexico to Beirut - Get a Ruler
Letting Loose - Baklava in ten minutes
Taste of Beirut - Some quintessential Lebanese moments
This is Beirut - Here Is How YOU Got Whipped By Your Better Half
Ivy Says - Idling in Smog: AUB and Nissan Set Out to Measure Pollution in Jams
Lebanon News: Under Rug Swept - توقعات العام ٢٠١١
Hummus Nation - The Good Life
Beirut Drive-By Shooting - Happy 2011 from Beirut
Sietske in Beiroet
See you next week!
Some quintessential Lebanese moments
2010 in the eyes of +961
A 300 words summary of how did the 2010 go according to +961!
2010 Started with Victoria Beckham opening a new store in Tarik El Jadida, Israel smashing out hummus records, and me getting disappointed by the new Beirut Souks.
February was a bad month for Solange Gemayel and Nayla Mouawad who were caught stealing some candies, and that was also when stolichnaya dispayed a girl inside a bathtub to promote one of their products!
I went to Meen’s concert at USJ, I had bonjus for the first time in 9 years (that was big!), Shankaboot was launched, and K-Lynn did their yearly ritual.
Lebanese politicians played a silly football game, and we got to enjoy a successful motor show.
Beirut got some playboy playmates, Rima Fakih won Miss USA pageant, and I went to Le Chef for the first time!
Everybody got crazy about the world cup, and a controversial ICT law surfaced.
People were still having the world cup fever,a new miss Lebanon was elected, and Octavia Nasr got fired because of a tweet!
Rahaf Abdallah proved to be really dumb, some retards got into a “personal” fight in Bourj abi haidar, and we were melting in very high temperature.
I got rotten meat from TSC, and we enjoyed carless streets for a few days during the hamra festival.
I ranted about people who park their cars like douchebags, I accused Bank audi of planning to replace Ahwet El Ezez by a new branch, but then I apologized because it turned out to be wrong.
Super night clubs started mass mailing us, we got speeding radars working in the country, and some iPhone applications violating our privacy!
I found out we had Arz missiles back in the 50’s and 60’s, and Ahwet El Ezez announced it will be shutting down by the end of the month.
I wish you and your loved ones a happy and prosperous new year! 🙂
In Beirut you can name a street after a personal bodyguard
Is it really right to name a street in Beirut after a personal bodyguard?
Yehya Al-Arab was the head of Rafic Hariri’s security team and got killed with him in the explosion. All the respect to that man and his family and we were all saddened by his tragic death, but I thought streets should be named after writers, scientists, philosophers, politicians, etc… i.e. people with great achievements.
Beyonce’s Heat ads vandalized at Dora highway
Seems like Beyonce’s new Heat perfume ads were too provocative for some people! I was on my way to work this morning when I noticed they were vandalized overnight at Dora highway. (Same as what happened to Marie France’s ads back in May)
The act is pretty weird though… there are much more other explicit ads all over the country, why did they decide to just target this one?
Anyway, it’s good no one thought of playing the video commercial of the perfume at one of the newly installed outdoor giant screens!
Lebanese blogosphere weekly link roundup (2010/12/26)
And here’s my last roundup for this year with 15 links. I believe it’ll be pretty nice in the future to go back to these roundups and check what the blogosphere was up to during specific times, don’t you think?
- بابا نويل لا يأكل الفتّوش
جوعان… مواطن ضد الأنظمة المزورة - My Review Of Malaak: Angel Of Peace
Seif and his Beiruti Adventures - Sleepless in Beirut, televized
Sleepless in Beirut - أفكار لهدايا العيد ٢٠١٠
Hummus Nation - LAST ENTRY OF 2010
Reason to Believe - new Beirut postcards
seen by maya - مذكرة توقيف بحق بابا نويل
Body Wotwat - if this statement is true, then Santa Claus exists
myra – most of the time - Merry Christmas!
Blog Baladi - ريتني تنبك لفارس كرم: من أسوأ الفيديو كليبات
خربشات بيروتية - Sunday: Out!
ritakml - What REALLY Goes On In A Restaurant
Ink On The Side - نحنا ربّ السياسة
Ihtirametna - Christmas Parade in Hamra [Video]
Beirut Spring - Some facts about Lebanon’s Gold Reserves
See you next year!
New parking system at ABC Achrafieh
I went to watch TRON at ABC Achrafieh last night and was surprised to see that they have deployed a new system for their parking spaces, a system that I have been wishing for the Lebanese malls to have because of its effectiveness especially during peak times of the year.
Several boards are installed at the mall entrances to display the number of empty parking spots on each floor, and then above each spot there’s a small light to indicate whether the spot is free (Green) or occupied (Red), so you’ll directly know where to go depending on parking availability.
The system will definitely reduce the traffic problem at times where the parking gets really crowded (e.g. Saturday’s and Sunday’s). I hope the people at City Mall get jealous and install a similar one too!
I’m not sure though how will system reacts when someone occupies two parking spots, should it probably be configured to display an “Asshole” sign when it detects such thing..?
Update: According to Tarek & Mustapha, a similar system is already available at Beirut Souks.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you all!
Lebanese users on Facebook soon to reach 1 million
According to an article published in Byblos Bank’s issue number 193 of “Lebanon This Week“, Facebook users in Lebanon will soon reach 1 million!
As of the end of November there was a total of 968,780 users, which means 1 out of 4 Lebanese currently has a Facebook account in Lebanon! That’s pretty good given that we have the 5th slowest Internet speed in the whole universe, another proof that nothing can stand in the way of our willpower. 😛
Figures on the usage of social networking site Facebook indicate that there are 968,780 Facebook users in Lebanon at the end of November, accounting for 0.2% of worldwide users and for 4.8% of users in the Arab world. As such, Lebanon ranks in 67th place among 213 countries and in 8th place among 18 Arab countries in the number of users of the social site. Globally, Lebanon ranks ahead of Kenya, Guatemala and Bosnia & Herzegovina and comes behind Uruguay, Albania and Costa Rica. Lebanon’s number of Facebook users is lower than the global average of 2,696,998 users and the Arab average of 1,122,076 users.
The Facebook usage penetration rate in Lebanon, or the ratio of the site’s users to the total population, is 23.4%, ranking Lebanon in 83rd place globally and in third place in the Arab world. Lebanon ranks ahead of the Martinique, Costa Rica and Hungary and behind Estonia, Bulgaria and Seychelles globally; while it comes ahead of Kuwait and behind Bahrain in the Arab world.
The article also details the user age distribution, which might be of marketers’ interest.
Excalibur Show are giving Santa a break!
Unbelievable! 😀
That’s another ad I got by e-mail from Excalibur Show! This time they’re on a mission and look pretty serious about it, they’re giving Santa a break!
But their previous e-mail looked much better, this one looks more like a lingerie ad… Shu hal sheghel!