Author Archive | Rami

A stand againt ESSA and the new Lebanese E-Transaction law

Via Social Media Exchange Beirut:

We need you to ACT NOW to stop the E-Transactions law.

Tomorrow, Parliament is scheduled to vote on a new E-Transactions law that could have terrible implications for the Lebanese economy and for professional and personal privacy. To date, private sector and civil society have not been allowed to comment on the the law.

Among the articles of concern are:

  • Article 92, saying anyone providing online services must apply for a license. Result: More paperwork, more bureaucracy, more delays, less revenue.
  • Article 82, allowing for the warrantless search and seizure of financial, managerial, and electronic files, including hard drives, computers, etc. Result: The government has pre-approval to seize your company and personal assets and information, without cause.
  • Article 70, establishing the Electronic Signature & Services Authority, a new regulatory and licensing body with practically unchecked powers. Result: Another agency, who can make or break your organization at their whim.

More on why you should stop the vote.

We may need some regulations on doing online business in Lebanon. But, unless the key stakeholders can comment on the law, it will be one-sided, flawed, and dangerous to the economic prospects of Lebanon and the privacy of your daily life.

ACT NOW! Many deputies are rallying against this law but want to hear your voice. Ask your MP to postpone the vote on the E-Transactions Law, pending a public review.

Here are quick and easy ways you can help:

  • Call your Member of Parliament and urge them to postpone the vote, pending a public review period.
  • Forward this message to your colleagues, family, and friends—anyone who uses the Internet will be affected!
  • Post on the Facebook Pages of your MP, calling on them to postpone the vote, pending a public review period.
  • Join the Stop This Law Facebook Page.
  • If you’re a journalist or blogger, consider writing a short post highlighting the potential pitfalls of the law.

You may check other bloggers’ take on the matter on the following links:

Independence ’05
SMEX Beirut
The Identity Chef
Maya’s Amalgam
Sara Hilal
Trella’s Blog
خربشات بيروتية


Lebanese blogosphere weekly link roundup (2010/06/13)

It’s Monday, the time for our weekly dosage of blog posts! Today’s roundup consists of 12 links.

See you next week!


Amethyste Lounge – Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut

One of the most fascinating places I have ever been to lately, that’s seriously without any exaggeration the newly opened Amethyste Lounge in Phoenicia Hotel.

Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut 8

To those of you who still don’t know about it, Amethyste is a new outdoor bar and lounge that was launched on May 13th with a fabulous opening that started at noon and lasted till midnight.

Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut

So I got the opportunity to go there with a group of friends two weeks ago and had a blast! I honestly don’t know how to describe the place, and I hope the photos I included do justice to it, Amethyste is just unique and different than any place of the same category.

Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut 1

Your world will be painted purple the minute you step in, even the pool water turns purple when it’s dark (due to the lightning of course), and the color is guaranteed to make up your mood if your going there after after a long day! Just the way a real lounge should be. And to complement that, chill out music is played all the time.

Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut 2

The food is good, nothing tasted new to me, but the presentation is EPIC! Some plates are served in a theatrical way, for example the salad we ordered was brought in a jar, to which the waiter added the sauce and shook it like a cocktail, then put it into our plates. On the other hand, grilled meat comes to your table on a small barbecue! (yes with coals and everything)

Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut 4 Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut 5 Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut 6

Cocktails are… you guessed it right, good as well! I think I can easily write another post about their cocktails because they have a wide variety to choose from, they actually have a separate menu for these.

Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut 7

The staff is very friendly, our waiter was very helpful explaining to us about the items in their menus. What is really remarkable though is that they are cooperating to make podcasts and publish them on their blog! And I hope they continue doing it, the first episode featured Grant Collins and a guy named Haytham showing how to prepare the poolside Margarita.

Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut 9

Surprisingly, and believe it or not, Amethyste is NOT overpriced. Their menus along with the pricing are available online for you to check, The Pool Menu, The Cocktail Menu, and The Main Menu.

Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut 10 Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut 11 Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut 12

Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut 13 Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut 14 Amethyste Phoenicia Intercontinental Beirut 15


Lebanese blogosphere weekly link roundup (2010/06/06)

Between the elections, the freedom flotilla, and the world cup 2010, the Lebanese blogosphere had a lot to talk about! And so I’ve got you 16 links for this week’s roundup (overdose?).

See you next week!


The new Beirut Waterfront

On May 16th, Solidere announced opening of the new Beirut Waterfront to the public as the first bicycle lane in the city. According to The Daily Star, the lane would start at the Beirut Souks on Tripoli Street and pass through Patriarch Howayek Street in the direction of Beirut’s new maritime front, through Allenby Street, and back to the starting point.

Before getting too excited about it, access to the waterfront will be granted on Sundays only from 10 AM to 8PM! And that’s why I’m having mixed feelings about it, I’m glad we finally have a public space away from the pollution that we got used to, but opening it on Sundays only is sort of disappointing, why can’t they keep it open everyday?

Soliders is acting like someone who invites you over to his house, but then tell you beforehand that he will be kicking you out at 8PM.

Anyway, hoping we get a permanent access to the waterfront, I leave you with this cool video of the place made by Rawad El Hoyek.

New Beirut Waterfront from Rawad EL HOYEK on Vimeo.


Overdoing the World Cup 2010 – IV

Remember the World Cup manakish? One of my friends sent me the following pictures he found on Facebook of the bakery that is making those manakish. It is located in Haret Hreik.

World cup 2010 flags 4

World cup 2010 flags

World cup 2010 flags 5

World cup 2010 flags 3

World cup 2010 flags 2

World cup 2010 flags 1

Now I know where to get a dozen of Germany manakish from as soon as Brazil loses and gets out of the race! 😛


Lebanese blogosphere weekly link roundup (2010/05/30)

9 New links for this week’s roundup.

See you next week!


Three Playboy Playmates in Talk of the Town on MTV

The Playboy Playmates who came to Lebanon 2 weeks ago for a fashion event have created a buzz in the media. On Thursday May 20th, three of them were hosted in Talk of the Town by Mona Abu Hamza.

The video below shows their interview along with Mario Bassil.

Thanks to @rawadelhoyek for pointing me to the video.


A heart for Philippe


Dear readers, please take a moment to read this message.

Philippe was born with a cardiomyopathy.He is 25 years old.

His condition has changed since last Christmas. He has fluids in the lungs, oedemas in the legs and had a thrombosis on may 9th.
His cardiologist as well as other specialists all agree that only a HEART TRANSPLANT can save him.

The operation will take place at the Georges Pompidou hospital in Paris. Philippe doesn’t have any healthcare coverage in France since he is Lebanese and the operation costs 220 000 euros approximately, and his family can’t pay this sum on their own.

We call all friends, families, friends of friends and random strangers to help philippe get his operation.

A bank account has been created in Lebanon, Paris, and a Paypal account is available for overseas donations.

Money has no value by itself, it all depends on what you do with it.

Thank you for your help.


Payment by Credit Card, Paypal


P.O.BOX 11-1912

L.L. 03201300133426812
IBAN LB 17001400003201300133426812

USD 03202300133426811
IBAN LB 52001400003202300133426811

Titulaire du compte:
Anne Marie Jazzar et ou Fady el Hage

38-40 Avenue des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris, France

Code Banque 17599
Code Agence 00001
Compte 26003045201
Cle RIB 48

IBAN(International Banking Account)

FR76 1759 9000 0126 0030 4520 148

Titulaire du compte
Anne Marie Jazzar et ou Fady el Hage




(pay via credit card etc)

In addition, two events will be held tomorrow to raise money for Philippe, the first is a solidarity concert at the Notre-Dame de Jamhour school, and the second is Geekfest at Art Lounge Karantina.

And for additional information, you may refer to the Facebook group or page.


Overdoing the World Cup 2010 – III

Looks like someone woke up early today and thought of reworking the traditional Lebanese Manakish to turn them into World Cup Manakish!! (apparently through food coloring substances).

Wi7de jibneh 3a Almanya m3allim!

Manakish Worldcup

Photo via


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