Author Archive | Rami

Today’s weird news

I was reading today’s issue of Annahar newspaper when I came across this weird news:

بعلبك: معاملات نفوس مع النفايات!

بعلبك – “النهار”:
عثر احد افراد قوى الامن الداخلي صباح الاثنين في بعلبك قرب مقام السيدة خولة، داخل احد مستوعبات النفايات على اكياس تحوي اوراقاً ثبوتية من هويات وطلبات تصحيحها ومعاملات ومستندات تابعة لدائرة نفوس بعلبك.
وحضرت القوى الامنية على الفور، وارسلت الاوراق الى وزارة الداخلية وفتح تحقيق لتحديد المسؤوليات.

If you ever lost track of a file at one of the ministries, now you know where it might have ended up!


Mario Bassil is Ktir Khalis

Below is a new video clip newly released by the Lebanese comedian Mario Bassil. I don’t know under which category does it fall, vulgar or funny?

Either ways there one thing for sure, Mario Bassil akid 3ando fuse ta2i2! 😀


Mr. Lebanon – Assaad!


Can’t recognize the girl standing next to Mr. Lebanon Assaad? That’s Paris Hilton, and she came all the way from the USA so that she can party with him in Beirut! 😀

This is the kind of news you will see on Assaad’s website, in addition to a collection of videos documenting his failures adventures with the Lebanese chicks and his techniques to seduce them. The guy is seriously unbelievable, he hits on the girls in the streets and asks his best friend Elie record it on cam!

Here’s one of my favorite videos, in which he arrives to Crepaway Achrafiyyeh in a Ferrari (yes a FERRARI), and tries to get a VIP table!

Check for more photos and videos from his daily life, really funny stuff.


What if president Sleiman was wrong?

Back in 1994, Youssef Shaaban was convicted for shooting a Jordanian diplomat in Beirut and got life sentence in prison.

In 2002, a court in Jordan found that others were responsible for the murder and convicted them! So logically speaking, Youssef Shaaban turned out to be innocent, however it was impossible to release him since the issued rulings could be overturned unless by a presidential pardon.

Three days ago, president Michael Sleiman pardoned Youssef Shaaban and he was granted freedom yesterday in Beirut.

That was in brief the story of Youssef Shaaban.

I have seen in the media how everyone was giving credits to the president for pardoning him, but I was thinking what if Youssef Shaabad was really the one behind killing the diplomat?

In a special episode of Kalam El-Nas with Marcel Ghanem last night, Shaaban himself admitted that he played a “role” in the Lebanese civil war in addition to being a member in Hamas. Remember that the reason behind the assassination of the Jordanian diplomat was because Jordan and Israel were in negtiations to sign a peace treaty, that’s a good motive for Hamas to commit the crime no?

In addition, those who are supposed to be the real murderers were executed in Jordan, and god knows how did the Jordanian police (maybe) made them admit they were responsible for the assassination. Now how can you assure that Youssef Shaaban is innocent? The Lebanese judicial council made a mistake by convicting Shaaban, so how can you assume the Jordanian rulings were flawless?

To me the crime is still a mistery. Think of it, the guy might really be the one behind the assassination.


Hitler finds out Michael Jackson has died!

A friend of mine sent me this helarious video today. Hitlet gets pissed off to hear that Michael Jackson has died and won’t be able to perform at his birthday party!

The scene is orginally from the “Downfall” movie produced in 2004 about his final days in his Berlin bunker at the end of World War II. There are several similar movies like the above, one being about banning him from Xbox live along with his gamescore and Microsoft point! You can check it here.


Lebanon is not a happy place!

Lebanon is not a happy place, that’s at least according to the new economics foundation (aka NEF).

Using the “Happy Planet Index” (HPI), NEF measured how happy are 143 researched countries, and Lebanon came in the 110th place!

Per their findings, we in Lebanon have a life expectency of 71.5 years, of which we live 33.7 years happily. Ya3neh we spend 37.8 years in misery (slow internet, no electricity, wars, explosions, Naser Qandil, etc…).

In addition, we scored 4.7/10 for Life satisfaction (though fi 3anna Skybar!!!), and we have an ecological footprint of 3.1.

You may download the full report containing the classification of all the researched countries in PDF from here, or in Excel from here.


No, Jordan is ugly

On my way to work today, I saw this huge ad at City Mall Dora, it says “Jordan is more beautiful”. Whoever considered posting this in Lebanon should have thought of it twice, because it is both rude and ugly.

Seriously, in what exactly is Jordan better?! L7a22 3layyeh yimkin, I’m not following Amman’s nightlife news these days!!



Laguava resort

Beach is the best destination these days, and Laguava – Rmeileh was my choice on Saturday! Checkout some of the photos I took.






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