K-Lynn Lingerie holds annual lingerie shows at various places in Lebanon such as Faraya Mzar, Edde Sands, Oceana, and other resorts.
And there’s no way you can miss one of these shows, because as soon one of these shows are held, you quickly start receiving photos of the event in your e-mail and before you know it your inbox will be full of girls displaying K-Lynn’s creations of sexy outfits! 😀
Yesterday I received one of these emails and a couple of photos caught my attention, not because of the sexy girls inside, but because they really made me laugh. Check them out.

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge
Did you see the look on the face of that poor little kid in red? He’s seem to be just about to explode…
For those of you who were expecting me to display all the photos I received by e-mail, well I didn’t upload them but I will not disappoint you. At the end, I do understand that you might have arrived to this page via a Google search probably for “sexy lebanese girls”!!
You can check a couple of albums by following the links below:
K-Lynn show at Faraya Mzar Lebanon 2007
K-Lynn show at Faraya Mzar Lebanon 2008