Archive | Lebanon

The top place to visit

… is BEIRUT!

Among the top 44 places to visit in 2009, published in the New York Times, Beirut is ranking number ONE. That is, people are recommended to choose Beirut as their next destination instead of Barcelona, Venice, Paris or New York for example.

Don’t ask how and why we’re ranking number one, all I know is that people are invited to Beirut to enjoy a good drive on the seaside while trying to avoid falling into potholes, then go to Hamra and get stuck in traffic, and why not going to ABC for shopping and spending 30 minutes before finding a car parking.

Not to forget Gemmayze akid! There’s only one Gemmayze street in the world and it’s right here in Beirut.

Bkaffeh? tab khalas bikaffeh…


Rockets fired to Israel

Today morning an e-mail was sent to Israel including 4 attachment and signed by “Anonymous”, the Lebanese people and Hezbollah were copied on that e-mail in order for them to know about the ongoing communication.

I wonder if Israel will be doing a “Reply to all” as it did in July 2006, or if it will just reply to the original sender.

By tonight we will have an answer I think. W minshoufkon.


961 Beer

Check what I found in the supermarket yesterday!

I don’t know for how long it has been around, but I like it, 961 Beer! Here’s their website,  it looks like theyre related to the “961 Beer” bar in Gemmayze which I don’t know if it is still open or not…

Drink Lebanon, but drive safely!


Happy New Year!!

It’s that time of the year again… 🙂 Happy new year everybody wherever you are! I know more than half of you are celebrating it either in Faraya or in Faqra! This is where most of the Lebanese tell you they will be spending their eve at, no? 😀

Tayib anyway! I leave with you with this great song by ABBA, see you in 2009.


Gaza is burning

While the Arabs are still arguing if Hamas has the right to resist the Israeli occupation or not, Ghaza is burning.

This is nothing less than a mass murder… no it’s not war.


Merry Christmas

I liked to wish you a merry Christmas with this photo I took of the dazzling Christmas tree decorating Beirut downtown.

So, Merry Christmas everyone! 🙂


Lebanese Hawker Hunter flying AGAIN!

For a second there, I felt proud to see the Hawker Hunter jet fighters flying over Beirut and participating in the aerial show of the 65th anniversay of (in)dependence (they made a lovely noise by the way!).

But then I felt awkward when I recalled they were actually made in the 1950’s, and we barely managed to get certain parts to restart using them! I wonder against whom we can use the 5 jets we have, Fath Al-Islam most probably? if they ever appeared again… or maybe against the Israeli Air Forces? no I’m kidding.

Anyway, it’s good to see them flying again!


Beiteedine VS. Moussa Castle

Here’s a funny fact:

It costs you more money to enter Moussa castle (Entirely built by one man, Moussa Maamari) than to enter Beiteddine castle.
For Moussa Castle you pay 10,000 L.L. to mainly see a large weaponry collection, while you pay 5,000 L.L. for Beiteddine to see a nice piece of history.

Note that Moussa castle is a private property.

I went to both places today, and it was very nice being in the Chouf area. Some photos coming soon 😉


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