Archive | What the fuck!

Shoot me… please!

Seriously, what the hell is this??

اعتصام المهربين

في سابقة هي الأولى من نوعها، واعتراضاً على عمليات التشدد وقمع مخالفات التهريب، واقفال كافة المعابر الترابية غير الشرعية التي نفذت منذ حوالي العشرين يوماً، وبعد الحزم والتشدد على مواد التهريب المختلفة، نفذ أول من أمس عدد من المهربين وسائقي سيارات الشحن الصغيرة من ابناء منطقة وادي خالد اعتصاماً على مسافة لا تبعد مئة متر عن حاجز القوة المشتركة لضبط الحدود..
المعتصمون اعترضوا على التشدد في اجراءات مكافحة التهريب ، ما أفضى في نهاية المطاف وبعد اتصالات على مستويات عالية ، إلى الايعاز بفتح الطرقات وتسهيل العبور، بانتظار جلاء الموقف على الأرض.

يذكر أن اعتراضات كثيرة تصدر من أهالي بلدات العوينات والجوار ، وشكاوى أدت إلى اقدام الأهالي على وضع حواجز من الباطون عند المنافذ المختلفة منعاً للازعاج الذي يشكله المهربون ليلاً ، ما يفسح في المجال أمام احتمالات مختلفة ، مما يبقي الأمور مفتوحة على كل الاحتمالات


Traffic lights

Traffic Light

Woohoo! Lebanon is getting into the traffic lights era!!

You’re probably aware (or not) of the new traffic lights at some areas in Beirut, they’ve been installed even at places where you least expect traffic congestions to occur, that’s what I have noticed at some intersection in Sad El Bouchrieh.

But you can still observe policemen at a lot of intersections giving their instructions to car drivers, that’s a bit weird given that those traffic lights are functioning well. However, the policemen presence is kind of justified (to me at least) since people here are NOT used to stop for a red light and maybe it’s the policemen job right now to force people to obey the traffic lights!

So far I can tell they’re not doing a good job…
I was in a Taxi today going from Jdeideh to Sodeco, passing through Sad El Bouchrieh. The driver arrived to an intersection and the light was red, but he surprisingly crossed it and started cursing at people coming from other directions! Ok, I’m not writing about this to tell that I was shocked, because I actually wasn’t, since that’s quite a normal behavior from a typical lebanese driver. But come on, with a large campaign on TV telling people to STOP on RED, such behavior becomes quite disturbing.

To me, traffic lights are a waste of money. Policemen and their yelling in the streets are way more effective and efficient.


Firing an RPG and Carlos Edde being funny

Have you seen the video below before? It features a guy launching an RPG in the air during the latest speeches of either Nabih Berri or Hassan Nasrallah.

Blacksmith Jade is calling to arrest the guy. I know it will never happen so I will just go with asking that guys a small question:مبسوط بحالك؟. Although I doubt he will ever check on my blog…

On the other hand, Carlos Edde, the National Lebanese Bloc leader, warned his followers from firing their guns while he was in an interview on LBC TV.
You can listen to what he said by downloading this mp3 file. I honestly found this new hilarious, the National Lebanese Block is most probably made up of Carlos Edde himself only!
To Carlos Edde I say: مصدق حالك؟
I don’t know the probality of Carlos Edde checking on my blog.


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