Tag Archives | adha

Insane fireworks

Check out how bad fireworks can be in some areas in Lebanon on holidays. The video below was taken in Bchamoun on the first day of Eid El-Adha.

Unfortunately, the ministry of interior issues a reminder every few years that fireworks are strictly banned but never puts an effort to actually apply that ban!


Happy Adha!

Eid El-Adha is the time for Muslims to recall prophet Abraham’s obedience to god in his willingness to sacrifice his own son Ismail, before god intervened and gave him a ram to sacrifice instead. And so the act of sacrificing an animal later became a ritual for Muslims.

That’s when it becomes normal to see sheep stored at very unusual places in Beirut, like rooftops for example.

… and when it also becomes very normal to see butchers slaughtering sheep in the streets.


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