Tag Archives | agency

Not Every Occasion Calls for Witty Slogans

It was cool around 2009 and 2010 when Almaza used to advertise witty phrases and taglines on holidays and special occasions, but it became really annoying nowadays with every single brand in the Lebanese market attempt to do the same. To be fair some are coming up with creative stuff, but the majority end up appearing like an assignment done at the last minute.

Below are some example (read disasters*) that were done on the occasion of Army Day last week and did absolutely nothing to convince me spend a lira on the advertised goods.


Australian 60 Minutes Show Crew Arrested for Documenting Children Abduction in Beirut


News outlets reported yesterday morning that two kids were kidnapped in Hadath by gunmen while waiting for the school bus with their grandmother. As hours went by, the police claimed that their Australian mother was behind the whole thing since she was separated from the father and the two were apparently fighting over the custody of the kids.

Such affairs are not unusual in Lebanon and they sometimes get eventually settled between the parents at a police station, but I was quite surprised this morning to read that it wasn’t really that simple as it turned out the mother planned the abduction in coordination with some private child recovery agency from Australia that helps recover parentally abducted children, and wanted to get them out of Lebanon through the sea to Cyrprus. And it doesn’t end here, she even got the Australian 60 Minutes show involved to film the whole operation as it happens.

The Lebanese police however uncovered the whole thing and ended up arresting the abductors and 60 Minutes crew including presenter Tara Brown (the Australian media is currently buzzing about it by the way) while the mother managed to escape to the Australian embassy along with her children.

I’m not sure how legal this children recovery thing and if journalists are even allowed to document such operations, but it definitely sounds baffling! Let’s see how things will unfold for those in custody right now.


Gold prospecting is illegal in Lebanon?


I never knew gold prospecting is actually illegal in Lebanon until I came across this piece of news by the National News Agency! Anyone knows the reason for that?

وطنية – اعلنت المديرية العامة لقوى الامن الداخلي في بيان انه “ضمن إطار مهامها في مجال حفظ الأمن والنظام ومكافحة الجريمة بمختلف أنواعها، تمكنت قطعات قوى الأمن الداخلي بتاريخ 26/06/2013 من توقيف 58 شخصا لإرتكابهم أفعالاً جرمية على الأراضي اللبنانية كافة، بينهم: 8 بجرائم سرقة، 7 بجرم تنقيب على ذهب، 5 بجرم إطلاق نار، 4 بجرائم مخدرات، 4 بجرم إقامة غير مشروعة، 4 بجرم ضرب وايذاء، 3 بجرم عدم حيازة أوراق ثبوتية، 3 بجرم لوحة مزورة، 2 بجرم سرقة هواتف، 2 بجرم شيك دون رصيد، 8 بجرائم : إحتيال، معاملة بشدة، عدم دفع نفقة، محاولة قتل، طعن بسكين، حيازة أسلحة، تسبب بوفاة، مقاومة رجال الأمن، و8 مطلوبين للقضاء بموجب مذكرات وأحكام عدلية مختلفة.

via Mahmoud Ghazayel


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