Tag Archives | assassination

The information branch wants your passwords!

According to this article in Lebanon Files today, it seems that the intelligence-oriented Information Branch has asked the ministry of telecommunication for all SMSs that has been exchanged over the two months that preceded the assassination of General Wissam Al-Hassan back in October 19th, in addition to our internet accounts and Facebook passwords!

ذكرت صحيفة “السفير” ان شهية الأجهزة الأمنية ولا سيما شعبة المعلومات، فُتحت من جديد على “داتا” شبكة الاتصالات الخلوية في لبنان، مع فارق خطير هذه المرة، تمثل في عدم الاكتفاء بطلب تسليمها حركة الاتصالات، كما كان يحصل في السابق، ليصل الأمر إلى مستوى غير مسبوق، في خطورته وتداعياته، مع طلب الشعبة الاطلاع على محتوى كل الرسائل النصية الخلوية المتبادلة بين جميع المواطنين، على مدى الشهرين اللذين سبقا اغتيال اللواء وسام الحسن، إلى جانب الحصول على كلمات المرور (باسورد) لشبكات الإنترنت والفايسبوك التي يستعملها اللبنانيون.

وفي هذا السياق , أكد وزير الاتصالات نقولا صحناوي للصحيفة ان الوزارة تلقت طلباً بالحصول على محتوى الرسائل النصية وكلمات المرور (باسورد) لشبكات الإنترنت والفايسبوك العائدة إلى اللبنانيين، على مساحة كل لبنان، محذراً من أن الموافقة على هذه الاستباحة ستجر المزيد لاحقاً.

وأكد أنه رفع هذا الطلب إلى الأمانة العامة لمجلس الوزراء من أجل درسه، “مع توصية من قبله برفضه ورده، آخذاً على الهيئة القضائية المختصة بالنظر في طلبات الأجهزة الأمنية أنها تكتفي بتسجيل موقف عابر، بينما المطلوب أن تكون أكثر فعالية في صون الدستور وحقوق المواطنين.

It’s weird that the Information Branch is asking for our Facebook password since that means ISPs in Lebanon are actually keeping a log of all passwords we input! Anyway, I hope the government rejects this request and instead agfrees on supplying data related to specific people and during a reasonable time frame.


Al-Qaeda in Lebanon

Would you mind it if all those rumors claiming that Al-Qaeda does exist in Lebanon turned out to be true?

The photo was taken during the funeral of the late general Wissam Al-Hassan.


Photos + Video from Wissam El Hassan’s funeral

Wissam El Hassan’s funeral started at the ISF headquarter in Achrafieh at around 2PM today and unfortunately ended violently as the protesters in downtown attempted to storm the Grand Serail to demand the resignation of PM Najib Mikati.

Below are some photos and a video from the funeral and the clash between the protesters and the policemen. (I found photo #9 quite funny by the way!)

via BBC News & RT


Raw footage of the second explosion at Achrafieh

Here’s a raw footage from OTV showing how the second explosion happened yesterday in Achrafieh following the first big one that killed Wissam Al-Hassan. I don’t it’s due to another bomb but rather to some kind car gas tank maybe…

Thank god the people who show in the video were not much closer to the fire.


JF Kennedy assassination mystery revealed

46 years after his death, the assassination mystery of John F. Kennedy has been finally revealed! And guess what, Pierre Hashash who usually run for the parliamentary elections with sarcastic slogans had something to do with it!

Watch him telling the truth in this video.


Bachir Gemayel memorial


It’s been 27 years now since Bachir Gemayel has been assassinated, and every year I can’t help but wonder what could have happened if Bachir lived and remained as a president for Lebanon..?

Israel wouldn’t have invaded Lebanon, the Lebanese civil war could have ended earlier than 1990, a Beirut – Tel Aviv highway could have been created (similar to Beirut – Damascus highway!)… and for some reason Rafic Hariri could have lived!

What do you think?


Hezbollah assassinated Rafic Hariri?

Tonight I came across an article published in Der Spiegel, a german weekly magazine, revealing new evidence pointing fingers to Hezbollah in the assassination of the late PM Rafic Hariri.

As per the Spiegel, Wissam Eid (assassinated early in 2008) reached that evidence by analyzing the phone calls that were made on the few days leading to the assassination. You can read the full article here.

I expect this news to hit the Lebanese press tomorrow morning, let’s see how will they react towards it, and what will Hezbollah have to say on that accusation.

Update (05/25/2009):

The international tribunal denied all what has been mentioned in Der Spiegel. More info here, article is in Arabic.


Dick Cheney killed Hariri and Hobeika?

Here’s another video that caught my attention yesterday.

In this video, Wayne Madsen (an investigative journalist) claims that Dick Cheney had his own death squad CIA unit which he ran from the white house. And by the orders of Cheney, the assassinations unit killed Elie Hobeika (Lebanese Forces chief) on January 2002, and Rafic Hariri on February 2005.

I have no idea how true is that, but I am pretty sure we will know everything in 10 years from now, when all the involved parties will be eventually admitting what really happened to documentaries. Just as in the case with the Lebanese civil war (1975-1990), most of what we know now is through the documentaries that were released in the past few years.


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