Tag Archives | curfew

Bhamdoun imposes a curfew on Syrian workers!

According to this article in L’Orient Le Jour, the municipality of Bhamdoun is currently forbidding Syrian workers from roaming the streets of the village at night starting 8PM till 6AM in the morning!

One of the municipal employees claimed they started posting this announcement after one Syrian worker attacked a boy a while ago!

But what if those Syrian workers suddenly started dressing nicely and looked like Syrian businessmen instead, will the municipality have no problem then since people of upper social classes are supposed to be behave better? What kind of discrimination against workers is that?!


Banning motorcycles in Lebanon

I just came across a news that made it for me! Our minister of interior affairs Ziad Baroud issued a statement banning motorcycles between 6:00PM and 5:00AM as of October 15th 2009. In addition to making it clear that motorcyclists gatherings are forbidden.

Lebanese motorcyclist

بارود يصدر قرارا بضبط سير الدراجات النارية ابتداء من 15 الجاري
أصدر وزير الداخلية زياد بارود قرارا ً بضبط سير الدراجات النارية في الأراضي اللبنانية المختلفة اعتباراً من تاريخ 15/10/2009، وطلب الى المديرية العامة لقوى الأمن الداخلي التشدّد في تطبيق القرار.

وسمح القرار بسير الدراجات النارية المسجلة أصولاً لدى هيئة إدارة السير والآليات والمركبات والمستوفية لجميع الشروط القانونية، اعتباراً من الساعة الخامسة صباحاً وحتى الساعة الثامنة عشرة، ويمنع سير جميع الدراجات بين الساعة 18.00 والساعة الخامسة من صباح اليوم التالي.

By the way, every time I see a motorcyclist performing stunts on the highway, I get the urge to hit him and watch him rolling on the asphalt! Yes that’s how much I hate you Lebanese motorbike owners!

Photo via flickr


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