Tag Archives | dvd

The Wolf of Wall Street no longer censored in Lebanon


You probably already know that The Wolf of Wall Street has been censored in Lebanon since whoever imported it thought we will not have the attention span for a three hours movie, and therefore it was cut down to two hours and thirty minutes!

However, it was announced on Radio One Lebanon this morning that the movie will no longer be censored and the full version will start showing as of today. I really hope this will be true because I was preferring to wait for the DVD release to watch the full movie!

For more about The wolf of Wall Street, you can read Anis Tabet’s review about it here.


1,000L.L DVDs in Beirut

I though I should share with you guys where I get my DVDs from after someone commented on the previous post that he never found them for less than 3,000L.L.

The place I go to is called “Serge” in Bourj Hammoud. Going from Achrafieh to Bouchrieh using the Yerevan bridge, you take the first exit on the bride, and you’ll find that DVD shop in a very narrow street to your right, situated just before the end of that exit. Serge’s collection is always up to date with a back room dedicated for old movies, and the best thing is that he’s always honest about the audio/video quality of any movie you’re buying.

I also heard there’s another place in Bourj Hammoud called “Rony” but I never knew where that one is…


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