Tag Archives | food

We Need a Cheaper Version of Souk El Akel


Even though Souk El Akel has been up for well more than a year now, I have only managed to go check it out a while ago in Beirut Downtown. And just like almost everybody else, I enjoyed the different flavors each stand was offering and loved how appetizing the food looked on display. The general ambiance also felt pretty nice with joyful people all around.

Raclette Burger in the making

Raclette Burger in the making

Still, I was surprised with a couple of things, first being the unreasonable prices that are definitely not suitable for street food, and second the fact that no one seems to be bothered about it.

$5.6 Pizza slices

I have the utmost respect for Anthony (the founder of Souk El Akel) and everybody in his team for the effort they’re putting to let people enjoy clean and appetizing street food in a cool ambiance, but if that comes at a high cost like a $10 burger or $3.3 popsicle, then you can no longer call it street food, and for such prices I’d rather be at some restaurant enjoying a seated meal. I’m totally aware though that some items include premium ingredients like salmon and Angus beef, but then again, when I want to go have a street burger or a sandwich, it doesn’t really have to be made of premium stuff, just make me something tasty!

$8 Waffles anyone?

I don’t claim to have toured the world, but I have tried street food in several places like the US, Thailand, Turkey, Singapore, and Malaysia, and the prices were always dirt cheap for some of the best flavors I’ve tasted! So I really don’t understand how people here feel indifferent about $10 quick bites and dessert. It’s either everybody is suddenly better off, or I’m simply a cheap guy (I doubt the latter though :P).

I tried these ice cream rolls in Kuala Lumpur last October for no more than $2. Now available as Frooza at the Souk for $8.

All in all, paying $30 for some appetizer, a sandwich, and a dessert is just too much in my opinion for a street food market. For all I know, the organizers and the vendors are free to set whatever price they want and people will probably keep coming because it’s a new and cool concept to Lebanon, but making room for cheaper bites certainly make Souk El Akel earn its name.

$9 Chicken and pork sandwiches


TSC Lebanon is Now Offering Children Free Fruits


In order to encourage children to eat healthy, TSC Lebanon just announced on their Facebook page today that they will start offering each kid one piece of fruit to snack on while shopping with their parents. And for that purpose, fruit baskets will be available at the entrance of both TSC Achrafieh and TSC Signature (Beirut Souks).

The initiative is certainly not new as I have lately read about the same moves made by grocery stores in the US and Europe, still you can’t but salute TSC for it.

As a parent, I always find myself buying my 2 year-old son some biscuits to keep him busy while my wife and I do our shopping, but a banana or an apple would definitely be better for him.

Let’s hope they extend this offer to their other branches in Zouk and Jnah as I know a lot of parents are going to appreciate it!


Anthony Bourdain’s Episode on Beirut Was Disappointing

anthony bourdain beirut

So I finally managed to watch Parts Unknown season five finale on Beirut (via torrent download) and was quite disappointed.

The show is actually about food and travel, so I was expecting Bourdain to explore some of Beirut’s hidden gems but instead he went to Burj Al Barajneh refugee camp in the first part of the episode to learn more about the Palestinians living conditions here in the country. He then made several people speak about religious diversity and how the different sects coexist happily in Lebanon (especially Sunni and Shia these days!), and he later visited some Hezbollah supporter in Dahieh all while portraying the party as a mighty beast.

Moreover, he never failed during the episode to stress about the threat coming from the east, that is the Islamic state. So it was basically more about politics than anything else. I believe he could have simply aired some recent report about the political situation in Lebanon and spared himself a trip here.


Roadster Diner Opening Soon in Zaitunay Bay


I just stumbled upon this photo by Roadster diner on Facebook announcing that they’re opening soon in Zaitunay Bay.

With Classic Burger Joint and some coffee shops already operating there, I believe it’s pretty good to see Roadster opening as well which helps making Zaitunay Bay more accessible to average people, especially that it was labeled as a spot for the rich people when it was first launched.


As per Beirutista, P.F. Chang’s is also coming to Zaitunay Bay.


Beirut airport has food products that expired 20 years ago!

abou faour

Can you imagine how does a food item that has expired in 1995 look like now?! I’m seriously interested to know!

“The minute you walk into the warehouses, you feel like you entered a dump,” Abu Faour said after inspecting the airport along with Transport Minister Ghazi Zeaiter.

The health minister revealed that some of food products still in storage had expired nearly 20 years ago.

“Dates on some foods showed they had expired in 1995,” he said.

You can read the full story here.


VIP Prisoner in Roumieh


This guy made it to the news today for living like a king behind the bars in Roumieh prison! It seems like he has his own room inside the prison and manages to get really good food delivered to him almost everyday!

His face and name were blurred in the report but it was really hard to still find him on Facebook. His name is Nahib Roufayel and you can check his account here. The photos he shares are all public and there’s enough of them to make your jaw drop!


Chicken wings and Hummus

Hilarious! Telling by this guy’s excitement about chicken wings and Hummus, I think he will most probably orgasm over chicken wings and garlic paste!


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