Tag Archives | Funny

Monopoly: The Lebanese politics edition

The only positive thing about the political scene in Lebanon is that you get endless opportunities to make jokes about it! Check out this hilarious “special edition” Monopoly board created by Karl reMarks involving burning tires, bombing cars, taking over the ministry of energy and even closing down the parliament! You can download a high resolution copy of the board by clicking here.


Amir el 3azab

Notice “Wakes Up” next to his phone number, I’m pretty sure he means WhatsApp!


Lebanon’s funniest hack

Don’t you love hackers with a sense of humor? Someone hacked OTV‘s website a couple of days ago and left the below message referring to Gibran Bassil being responsible for the electricity shortage in the country.

via Abir Ghattas


A tribute to Kibbeh Nayyeh

Joking aside, Kibbeh Nayyeh is probably the best Lebanese food selection, and is best made at the southern villages of Lebanon.


I went downstairs to the fridge
looking for some kind of dish
maybe kabob or some riz
but you were in my way

So that is when I tried
to reach to the other side
to maybe get spinach pie
but you were in my way

Meat overflowing
ripped leaf mint was showing
olive oil a-flowing
I like where this is going

Hey, I just met you
and this is crazy
but I want to eat you
kibbeh nayeh

Hey, I just met you
but you look tasty
I’m gonna eat you
kibbeh nayeh

I don’t know how long it’s been
that you’ve been there in the fridge
I do not want to get sick
cuz you were in my way

Because you’re raw and not fried
don’t want to get E coli
because then I would have to die
cuz you were in my way

Meat overflowing
ripped leaf mint was showing
olive oil a-flowing
Appetite is growing


Before you came into my life, I wasn’t so fat
I wasn’t so fat. I wasn’t so so fat
Before you came into my life, I wore the small pants
and you should know that I’m getting so so fat.

Reminds me of the Lahme song


BBM Taxi

Missed call me, I call you
Message me, I reply to you
Chat with me, I answer you

via Rudy Chidiac


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