Tag Archives | gay

BBC Pop UP Published Their First Video From Lebanon

Remember when I told you that the BBC Pop Up team are in Lebanon for this month? Well, they published their first video and it’s about homosexuals in the country.

Over the last few years, some judges issued rulings in favor of gay people due to the fact that you simply cannot define what sexual acts really contradict “the laws of nature”, so the report discusses if this is going to offer a better future for the LGBT community in Lebanon.

P.S: The video contains some sexual content.


Homophobic comments on Men El Ekhir

What’s the point of hosting a gay person in your show if you already know the other guest cannot handle him?

Check out the comments this guy got after Pierre Rabbat interviewed him about a silly video he posted on YouTube and went viral. The interview starts at 1h16m50s, and the video should automatically start playing at that mark.


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