Tag Archives | graphic design

Real life Pac-Man in Hamra

Pretty cool!

The classic 80’s arcade game Pac-Man found its way to the streets of Hamra. The project was the senior graphic design project of AUST arts and design department student Ahmad Makary as he took an innovative approach to better understanding urban navigation and enhancing the cognitive mapping and urban knowledge of individual travelers.

The project consisted of 10 players, 5 dressed as Pac-Man and Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde – the 4 ghosts. The 5 other players, known as path-markers, are there to mark the trail of their Player as he or she runs through the streets. As Pac-Man moves from intersection to intersection, his position is being tracked, his points calculated and updated.

According to Mac, the creator of the project: β€œThe goal is to give people the opportunity to make the city theirs by transforming it into a huge playground and harnessing the knowledge of its spatial elements. The choice was to focus on the social aspect of the game rather than the technological aspect: there is no use of any technological aid (GPS, Chats, Cell phones) each player has a partner running along his side, this allows more team play and an enhanced experience.” Source


Metel Ma Shelta

I just came across a cool anti littering campaign called “Metel Ma Shelta” via Elie’s blog.

Knowing beforehand that people would definitely pick a 10,000L.L off the street, a group of graphic designers threw small pieces of paper on the streets with a the forged look of a 10,000L.L bill on one side, while the other side had “As you picked this up, you can pick up the litter of the streets as well” written on it.

I’m sure this wont make the people who might fall for this trick actually start picking up litter off the streets, but it may at least make them stop littering or stop the people around them from doing it.


Maya Zankoul’s Amalgam Book Signing


Earlier in May I introduced to you Maya’s Amalgam blog authored by Maya Zankoul, a very interesting blog that got exposure from the Future TV and Al-Horra, in addition to getting an interview with NOW Lebanon.

Over the past few weeks we were following the news of Maya preparing a book combining her posts, so it’s going to be her blog on papers! And last week she announced that the book signing will be on August 12 and will take at the Art Lounge. It’s a unique blogging experience I think, and I wish her all the best!

This Amalgam consists in sketches written and illustrated by the Lebanese graphic designer Maya Zankoul (DOB 30/06/1986). Those sketches represent many situations that everyone of us might face in their daily lives, addressing many critics to some of the society’s ugly habits. Everyone of you can actually find himself or recognize a situation that he or she might have encountered in their daily routines.

From the book signing page on the Art Lounge website.

For more details on the event you may visit any of the following links:

“Book signing – Maya Zankoul’s Amalgam” Facebook event

Book signing page on the Art Lounge website.

Congratulations Maya! πŸ™‚


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