Tag Archives | illegal

The Authorities Just Noticed Amhaz, Sa7 El Nom!


The owner of Amhaz cell shops, Kamel Amhaz, was arrested two days ago for illegaly smuggling more than 1.5 million phones with an approximate value of $45 million since the year 2000. And just like everytime a significant figure is put behind bars, some supporters blocked some roads near Beirut airport and in Baalbeck to protest his arrest.

However, while the protests are justified at a time where people hit the streets for the silliest reasons, the timing of the arrest is totally unacceptable. I know it’s always better late than never, but how on earth can the authorities wait more than 16 years to arrest such guy while everybody knew everything about his illegal business during the past years! Hell even I wrote a couple of times about getting smartphones from his shops. And it isn’t like Amhaz was operating from secret places, his shops are well know and one of them is even at a mall in Beirut.

Seriously, how can you brag about such accomplishment in the media and not lose credibility?!

On a lighter note, I wish getting people in jail was a simple as writing about them!


Gold prospecting is illegal in Lebanon?


I never knew gold prospecting is actually illegal in Lebanon until I came across this piece of news by the National News Agency! Anyone knows the reason for that?

وطنية – اعلنت المديرية العامة لقوى الامن الداخلي في بيان انه “ضمن إطار مهامها في مجال حفظ الأمن والنظام ومكافحة الجريمة بمختلف أنواعها، تمكنت قطعات قوى الأمن الداخلي بتاريخ 26/06/2013 من توقيف 58 شخصا لإرتكابهم أفعالاً جرمية على الأراضي اللبنانية كافة، بينهم: 8 بجرائم سرقة، 7 بجرم تنقيب على ذهب، 5 بجرم إطلاق نار، 4 بجرائم مخدرات، 4 بجرم إقامة غير مشروعة، 4 بجرم ضرب وايذاء، 3 بجرم عدم حيازة أوراق ثبوتية، 3 بجرم لوحة مزورة، 2 بجرم سرقة هواتف، 2 بجرم شيك دون رصيد، 8 بجرائم : إحتيال، معاملة بشدة، عدم دفع نفقة، محاولة قتل، طعن بسكين، حيازة أسلحة، تسبب بوفاة، مقاومة رجال الأمن، و8 مطلوبين للقضاء بموجب مذكرات وأحكام عدلية مختلفة.

via Mahmoud Ghazayel


Disciplinary actions against the Lebanese football players involved in match fixing

Lebanese football

Following the reports about illegal betting and match fixing affecting the Lebanese football league started emerging last year with news about players, coaches, and even administrative staff being involved in this scandal. Al-Jadeed TV started tweeting a while ago about the actions to be taken by the Lebanese Football Federation against the involved players.

In total, 24 players turned out to be involved. Two of them will banned for life, Mahmoud Al-Ali who currently plays for Persiba Balikpapan in the Indonesia Super League, and Ramez Dayoub who plays for Selangor FA in the Malaysia Super League. Two others, Hasi Sehmarani and Hadi Jaafar, will be suspended for 3 seasons, in addition to 20 other players who will be suspended for 1 season each.

I’ll be updating the post once a full article is posted somewhere about the issue, but meanwhile you can follow the tweets by Al-Jadeed.


Check this article for more about the results of the investigation carried by the Lebanese Football Federation.

The 20 players who will be banned for 1 season are Ali Bazzi, Ali Faour, Ahmed Zreik, Hassan Mazhar, Abbas Kanaan, Mohammad Hammoud, Muhammad Abu Atiq, Hussein Dakkik, Samer Zeinedine, Hassan Alawiyeh, Mohammed Baqir Younis, Ali al-Saadi, Omar Aweidah, Tariq Ali, Akram Al Maghrebi, Sadek Assad, Bashar al-Miqdad, Hussein Sharifeh and Ahmad Younes.

So we will basically have to recruit a new national team!


Official list of the illegaly imported drugs

Najib from Blog Baladi posted today an official list of the illegally imported drugs by the Lebanese Ministry of Health which can be downloaded using this link.

I also noticed the website of the Order of Pharmacists in Lebanon is worth checking every now and then, since they regularly post memos issued by the Ministry of Health on fake or misadvertised drugs such as their latest memo on Energa, Starvex and many others.


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