Tag Archives | insane

Lebanese man got his penis cut off!


This will make you feel like we’re living in a jungle. It’s insane.

A Lebanese man got his penis cut off by his wife’s family, after he insisted on marrying her despite parental opposition from her side because they are from different sects!

Read about it all here on Annahar.


Insane fireworks

Check out how bad fireworks can be in some areas in Lebanon on holidays. The video below was taken in Bchamoun on the first day of Eid El-Adha.

Unfortunately, the ministry of interior issues a reminder every few years that fireworks are strictly banned but never puts an effort to actually apply that ban!


Overdoing the World Cup 2010 – VII

More on the Lebanese overdoing the World Cup and over cheering for their favorite teams! It happened that I was watching Germany vs. Argentina at some cafe in Aley, and right after the game ended, everybody in the village hopped into their cars and started touring the streets in endless convoys!

The video below says it all, inside of it you’ll get to see a guy waving a slipper with an Argentinian tied on it! (diplomatic crisis on the rise?), infinite number of German flags, and a police car stuck in traffic unable to do a thing!

On the other hand, I spot these photos on Facebook. Few guys made a funeral for Brazil following their loss to Holland on Friday!


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