Tag Archives | instabeat

Instabeat and Wally mentioned on Forbes

General Views Of Dubai

Forbes recently posted about 10 Middle Eastern startups that will (hopefully) change lives in the MENA region and the world. Two of these startups are Instabeat, which was founded by Lebanese Hind Hobeika, and Wally, which has two Lebanese members on board of its team, Makram Saleh and Maya Zankoul.

You can check the full list here. If it were up to me, I would have also added eTobb.com.


Instabeat – The must have gadget for professional swimmers

I just came across this cool project called “Instabeat” by professional swimmer Hind Hobeika.

Hind is a former swimmer who used to train with the American University of Beirut’s swimming team and recognized the need for a monitoring device to track hear rate during her practices. So she came up with Instabeat, a device that is designed to fit any pair of swimming goggles to tracks a swimmer’s heart rate, caloric burn, and number of laps.

During practice, swimmers will be alerted through LED lights as to whether they are performing in fat burning (blue), mid-range (green), or maximum (red) zones. Progress over time can also be visualized after connecting the device to your personal dashboard through a USB port. Future prototypes will allow syncing data to your mobile phone using Bluetooth.

You can read more about Hind Hobeika and her Instabeat device on Intabeat.me. And if you feel like supporting her, you can take part in her indiegogo campaign to raise $35,000 needed for further development of Instabeat.

Thank you @sam_lb


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