Tag Archives | lebanese elections

Myriam Klink also running for the elections

Looks like the easiest publicity stunt to pull nowadays is to announce you’re running for the upcoming Lebanese parliamentary elections. That’s what Myriam Klink did last night following Nathalie Fadlallah’s similar announcement last week.


If these two ladies ever made it, then our MPs will definitely have problems focusing on their job since they couldn’t take their eyes off Strida Geagea when she was elected back in 2005.



Jad Sawaya to the parliament

Jad Sawa, the creater of Dana and many other “great talents” in Lebanon, is running for the parliamentary elections in Beirut’s first district… Shou hal feisid!!


If you’re interested, Jad published his electoral program here.


Lebanese elections billboard wars – 3

The subject of the third post of the billboard wars series is FPM’s “sois belle et vote” billboard, which was the talk of the Lebanese blogsphere yesterday. Today I got two photoshopped versions of it, the first one being a reply from the Lebanese Forces, and the second one from the FPM themselves replying to the LF.

So, here’s the original one.


And that’s how the Lebanese Focrces replied.


Then the FPM thought of doing a remake, inspired from Walid Jumblat’s leaked video.



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