Tag Archives | Lebanon

Tweetup at Gemmayze

I recently joined Twitter and was surprised to encounter a lot of nice Lebanese people there, and to be honest it’s much cooler than Facebook, especially that the latter became really boring with people spamming you with games request and/or spend their times uploading photos documenting their lives minute by minute.

Anyway, so I attended my first tweetup (i.r. twitter meetup) on Wednesday in Gemmayze, which was originally the idea of SamerKaram and Lnlne, and was really glad to meet some really nice people there.

Among those who attended the tweetup was an english journalist working for the Daily Star, Josie Ensor, check out the article she wrote about the tweetup.


Growing social phenomenon unites Beirut strangers at Gemmayzeh sushi bar
By Josie Ensor

BEIRUT: Have you ever been to a dinner party where you don’t know a single person? The scenario sounds terrifying, and frankly not too likely, but it is becoming a regular occurrence in Beirut. I went to my first Lebanese ‘tweetup’ last night at a sushi bar in Gemmayzeh and found myself in just this situation.

A ‘tweetup’ is essentially a real world meet up of people who know each other through the online micro-blogging, social networking site Twitter. It can be said to be a bit like speed dating without the romantic overtones and it is happening more and more around the country as the site grows in popularity.

Around the table when I arrived at Soto on Gemmayzeh’s main street were a seemingly disparate crowd of people: Company CEOs, AUB undergraduates, Western journalists, web designers, Fed Ex employees and photographers, who were all engrossed in a conversation about the growing importance of Twitter in the Arab world. They have been brought together at this restaurant at the particular time by their interest in Lebanon and their desire to share it with others who will listen on Twitter.

I recognize some of them from their profile pictures, for some I need an introduction. I know what many of them were doing last night, where they work and what most of them think about Iran’s post-election protests but I couldn’t identify them in the street quite as easily.

Yesterday’s meet up all started two days ago when Lynn, an AUB architecture student who tweets under the name ‘Lnlne’ asked if anyone wanted sushi on her Twitter profile. Samer Karam, a web developer who tweets under his name, then picked it up and re-tweeted the message on his own profile and from there an impromptu tweetup was arranged.

“No one knows more than three people here – it is a unique situation that only Twitter can make happen. I think it is only going to get bigger and bigger in Beirut,” according to Karam.

The site has a social aspect but its primary role is to share interesting information and to enable global debates and conversations. Lynn says Twitter has come to replace other popular sites she used to rely on: “I find I spend so little time on Facebook now – what’s the point – you want to connect with people you don’t know who can share information with you. Facebook is redundant.”

Facebook doesn’t encourage its users to reach out to the world in the same way Twitter does. Facebook is about letting your friends see your profile while blocking people you do not know, while Twitter is the precise opposite. People you do not know most often offer the most.

The Lebanese Twitter community were particularly active during the June 7 elections, with tweets coming in from around Lebanon about people’s own experience of the day: “I hear a lot of gunshooting from Basta,” read one post from tweetup guest ‘Plus961’s’ account, “I voted a white paper in this election, and I am excited to see it in the stats today!” read another.

Fearing pre-election violence, ‘Zaher’ tweeted “a guy was just shot near my house.maktab intikhabi 4 Jean. Called police & it’s like one hour and nobody showed up.”

For most Lebanese tweeters the most important thing is engaging with a community, being heard by as many people as possible, which can be difficult if the posts are in Arabic. Most of the urbane, bilingual tweeters around this Gemmayzeh table write in English but for many others it is not as easy.

One Lebanese entrepreneur and tweeter Habib Haddad, who tweets under the name ‘habibh,’ created a website called Yamli.com which can be used to automatically change tweets written in Arabic to English to enable Arabic speakers to connect with the wider world. He made the World Economic Forum’s Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2009 list for “empowering the Arabic language and users on the web.”

Samer Karam, whose website bloggingbeirut.com has its own gravitas on Lebanon’s digital scene, says of the technology: “You can’t underestimate programs like this – it bridges the Western world with the Arab world, and it is all in the spirit of Twitter when writing can be made more accessible.”

Twitter is still quite a novel thing in Lebanon; many only became aware of it after the Mumbai bombings last year. Twitter really came into its own after the terror attacks, as moments after the first shots were fired, Twitter users in India were providing instant eyewitness accounts of the unfolding drama. A few months later Twitter broke news again when the first pictures of the Hudson river plane crash in New York appeared on the site after someone on a nearby ferry took photos and uploaded them onto Twitter using his phone.

Twitter is now helping people in Iran give a voice to protesters during a time when they have been silenced and censored in most other ways. And for as long as there is an internet connection the world can see what is happening through Twitter.



F*** gas price


The crude oil price has been falling below $70 in the last few days, but for some reason some genius here in Lebanon decided to increase it by 600 L.L today, and he has been doing so for the last month!!

Seriously man, whoever you are, prices reached more than 30,000L.L / 20 liters last year when crude oil price was skyrocketing with over $130 / barrel!! How come it is selling for half the price now, and you still insist on charging us 31,000 L.L for 20 liters of gas? From which university did you graduate?

If WE the Lebanese people believe that WE kicked Syria’s ass out of our borders by sitting in the Martyr’s square (denying that USA, KSA, and Egypt had something to do with it), then we of course can do some another sit-in to call for decreasing the gas price.

But NO! We don’t hit the streets unless some political monkey leader orders us to do it!


Fete de la musique program


Fete de la musique will take place this Sunday 21st of June starting 8pm, in Beirut in the following location. You may also check the event’s page on Facebook.

20h00 Limelight (Rock)
20h40 Khat Ahmar (Arabic Hip Hop)
21h35 Katibe 5 (Arabic Hip Hop)
22h05 Malikah (Arabic Hip Hop)
22h45 Anne (Rock)
23h30 Arcane (Rock)
00h20 The Kordz (Rock)
01h10 DJ Lethal Skillz (Scratch / Hip hop)

21h00 The Narcissist (Dubai / Hip hop)
10h45 Sandmoon (Folk)
23h20 Sylvain Nassar (Rock)
23h55 The Incompetents (Folk / Indie)
00h50 I-Voice (Arabic Hip Hop)

20h00 Bayat (Oriental)
20h40 Champlain (Chanson française)
21h15 Elias Diez (Rock français)
21h50 Karimbo Mixity (Rap)
22h25 The New Government (Rock)
23h15 Mashrou’Leila (Pop rock)
00h00 Fareeq el Utrush (Arabic hip hop)

GEMMAYZE (escalier St Nicolas):
20h00 Toni Bayeh (Oriental)
20h35 Cristobal (Indy-folk)
21h15 Youmna Saba (Lebanese Folk)
21h50 ShaBa wa l Kaylou tafaha (Comic critic)
22h05 Omarz & Grandsunn (Hip hop)
22h35 J-Electric (Funk / Jazz)
23h30 Meen (Lebanese rock)
00h20 Arnab (Live Drum n’bass)

04h – E.L.I & RABI-H – DJ SET – TECHNO


HAMRA (Next to Fransabank):
20h00 Nahna El Nas (oriental)
20h40 L’Fahrass (Arabic hip hop)
21h00 7 Ta2at (Arabic hip hop)
20h20 Bicro-phone (Arabic hip hop)
20h45 Plugged (Alternative rock)
21h25 The Crave (Alternative rock)
22h05 José González (Flamenco)
22h55 Sphere (Rock)
23h35 Vibrations (60’s rock)

Via Independence 05 blog.

If you spot a guy with a big cam in his hand at any of these locations, there’s a probability it would be me!


Are you kidding me?!

I was in Zahleh yesterday and I encountered this at the entrance of the Berdawni.


Fi shi bi 3a2el, w shi bala 3a2l, hay masalan bala 3a2el!

Does the chinese make fake balloons? or does the italian make ones that last longer?


Dabke record for the Guinness Book!


Wanna contribute in making history? If you live in Montreal, then here’s your chance!

Tollab, a federation that unites all the Lebanese student associations of Montreal, are planning to set a world records on the 20th of June by forming the biggest Dabke chain that will place Montreal in the Guinness Book of records. Their aim is to gather at least 3,500 people at the Marcelin-Wilson Park on the 20th of June to dance the dabke, hand-in-hand, for at least 5 consecutive minutes.

This event will be part of the “Festival Libanais de Montreal” from 19 to 21 of June 2009 at the park located in “11301 Bd de l’Acadie”.

Keep in mind that this event is not exclusively for the Lebanese living in Montreal, so regardless of your nationality you can participate in setting the world record, as the main  purpose of the event is to unite all Lebanese and Montrealers of all colors, religions, names or cultures, who are willing to participate.

Forming the chain will start at 7:30PM on June 20th, so make sure to show up beforehand if you’re willing to participate in otder to organize things well.

For more information, you can refer to the even’t page on Facebook, or Tollab’s website.


Sharek 961


Haven’t you heard about Sharek 961 yet?

Sharek 961 is a project where the Lebanese people make the news by sending in reports through several mediums to the website. So wherever you are, you can report to them an electoral incident for example and the news will be displayed on their homepage under “User Feed Stream” along with the geographical location of where the incident has ocurred.

From their About page:

Sharek961 empowers Lebanese citizens to promote transparency by sending in eyewitness reports on all election-related incidents or issues. People across Lebanon can send in reports through SMS, email, and the web.

Sharek961 is intended to improve transparency and accountability through civic participation. Information you send in is made available to all citizens, media outlets, and organizations to view publicly online.

Reaching them to submit a report is so easy, and you can do it via any of the following channels:

  1. Send an e-mail to sharek@sharek961.org
  2. Send an SMS to 71-189118
  3. Send a message on twitter to @sharek961
  4. Fill out this form

I’ll be trying to send them some photos from Beirut on the elections day! How about you?


Lebanese Forces TV ads

A friend sent me 4 videos from the Lebanese Forces for their 2009 Lebanese electoral campaign. And I liked how they were executed so much. They have finally released a match to the Free Patriotic Movement ads campaign, though the FPM’s campaign was mainly on billboards, but I’m talking about quality here.

I still don’t know why they still have not made it to any Lebanese TV channel yet…!

I loved this one the most, and I liked how the camera is zooming out in a 3D style. The video begins by showing a destroyed bus, probably the bus of Ain El-Rimmeineh which marked the start of the Lebanese civil war, then focuses on Bachir Gemayel one of the most important Christian figures and the former leader for the Lebanese Forces (unfortunately he was assassinated in 1982 by I don’t know who), then shows a snapshot from the war of Zahleh, followed by images of the Syrian troops on the Lebanese territories, and finally a photo of the Lebanese youth in March 14 2005 followed by the message “10452 (The area of Lebanon) You did not give them your land, don’t give them your vote”. Impressive eh?

The following 3 videos show how life would be if the FPM and his allies (mainly Hizbullah) won the elections.

Update (06/02/2009):
I just noticed the first video on TV tonight. Seem they were hiding their best for the last week of the elections!


Lebanon – A smoker’s paradise


I came across this article by AFP describing Lebanon as a smoker’s paradise, where you can work, dine and have your hair styled in a cloud of smoke. Too bad for us, the non-smokers.

Even teenagers can afford the average one dollar per pack, compared to an average seven dollars (five euros) in France or nearly nine dollars in Britain.

“The minute you land in this country you start huffing and puffing,” said Ghazi Zaatari, a physician and chairman of the department of pathology at the American University of Beirut as well as head of a WHO study group on tobacco regulation.

“As far as tobacco is concerned, Lebanon is a health disaster.”

You can read the full article here.


Virgin & UFA buildings in Beirut

Expecting some elections billboards? Sorry to disappoint you, today I’m sharing with you 2 photos I have taken in downtown Beirut showing Virgin and UFA buildings in the martyr’s square.

ufa_small virgin_small

Eikhir injeizeiteh!


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