Tag Archives | Lebanon

Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – January 18th 2017


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. I’m personally a fan of the BBChi team so I will be attending their live show at USJ on Monday.

  1. L’apprenti magicien – Comédie
  2. Enchanted Reality – Art Exhibition by Aramé Art Gallery in Beirut Souks
  3. Projection du web-documentaire “La crise des déchets au Liban”
  4. Beirut to the ‘burbs book launch!
  5. The Poetry Pot: First Words
  6. Vegetarian Cooking Course & Meditation (Asian theme)
  7. Aaliya’s book club: The Unbearable Lightness of Being
  8. Sportscode 500
  9. Open Wine | Storytelling & Live Performance at Aleph B
  10. BBChi Live Show

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – January 11th 2017


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. If you have kids then I highly recommend you go check the new play by Liliane Karam (Ton Amie Liliane) as I’m hearing some really good feedback about it.

  1. Cheese and Wine at Le Télégraphe de Belle-Vue!
  2. Attitude of Gratitude funshop – Gratitude jars 2017 edition
  3. ULI JON ROTH – Scorpions Revisited Live in Beirut
  4. The Black Destiny For Mankind – Art Exhibition by Raffi Tokatlian
  5. Beirut Game Fest
  6. Queen of The Seasons – A play for the whole family by Lara Rain & Ton Amie Liliane
  7. Enchanted Reality – Art Exhibition by Aramé Art Gallery in Beirut Souks
  8. Serge Jamo chante “Les Légendes De La Chanson Française”

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – January 4th 2017


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. In this cold weather, I’m tempted to go to Le Télégraphe de Belle-Vue for some cheese and wine!

  1. The Black Destiny For Mankind – Art Exhibition by Raffi Tokatlian
  2. Armenian Christmas Dinner
  3. Cheese and Wine at Le Télégraphe de Belle-Vue!
  4. Enchanted Reality – Art Exhibition by Aramé Art Gallery in Beirut Souks
  5. Christmas Food Market by Fair Trade Lebanon – “Christmas Loves Apples”
  6. Queen of The Seasons – A play for the whole family by Lara Rain & Ton Amie Liliane
  7. Fridays SALSA NIGHTS at Nova Lounge
  8. Galette Des Rois – Cooking Class @ Nan’s Kitchy
  9. Free Spoken Arabic Conversation Sessions
  10. Toastmasters International Public Speaking Club – Pro-Toast meetings

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


Assafir Newspaper Printed Its Final Issue

2016 is over and so is unfortunately the paper print of Assafir daily. The last issue was printed on the last day of 2016 with an editorial titled “The nation without Assafir”.

It was originally planned for the newspaper to stop operating in March 2016 due to financial difficulties but it continued publishing for a few more months after getting some support. Talal Salman, its Chief Editor, blamed the closure on the crisis currently affecting all media outlets (falling sales and decrease in advertising), but in fact I believe it is their failure to adapt to changing times that should be blamed.

Advertisers are currently spending more on digital channels, and Chief Editors can no longer expect their newspapers to survive unless they accept to adapt and provide good content through their websites, social media, apps and even blogs.

I personally used to follow some of Assafir’s editors and will definitely miss reading their articles, so I really hope they keep publishing on some online platform.


20 Ideas for New Year’s Eve in Lebanon

Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. They’re all for New Year’s eve, so if you haven’t figured out your plans yet, you can get inspired from this list!

  1. New Year’s Eve 2017 – Junkyard Beirut
  2. New Year’s Eve at The Village Dbayeh
  3. New Year’s Party at Bar ThreeSixty
  4. New Year’s Eve at Gefinor Rotana
  5. New Year’s Eve at Gordon’s Cafe
  6. New Year’s Eve at Qortoba Baabdat
  7. New Year’s Eve at Indigo on the Roof – Le Gray Hotel
  8. New Year’s Eve at Raouché Arjaan by Rotana Hotel
  9. Gold Deluxe Eve – New Year’s Eve at Goya Beirut
  10. New Year Eve 2017 – Hanine at Nuit Blanche
  11. New Year’s Eve at Le Télégraphe de Belle-Vue
  12. New Years party at l’appartement
  13. Souk el Akel: New Year’s Eve 2016 – 2017 at The Legend Venue
  14. NYE 2017 with Nemr!
  15. New Year’s Eve at Colonel Beer!
  16. C U NXT YEAR: 2017 Edition
  17. NYE 2017 at Playroom with Comedy Night Show
  18. New Year’s Eve at Bou Melhem
  19. New Year’s Eve at éCafé – Sursock
  20. New Year Eve 2017 at Mayrig

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


PM Hariri Vows to Make Internet in Lebanon 20 Times Faster


Speaking at the third edition of the Global Business Summit yesterday, Prime Minister Hariri claimed that one of the priorities he set for his new government is to increase the internet speed in Lebanon by 20-fold.

His promise is a bit vague to be honest and no further explanation was given for us to know what exactly is going to increase 20 times, is it the average internet speed that households are currently gettings (20 x 2Mbps) or is it the overall capacity provided to ISPs in order to enhance our connection quality?

We all know there was a plan by minister Harb in 2015 to overhaul the current infrastructure in order to allow us to benefit from better speeds, but the upgrade was set to be completed in 2020… and knowing that Hariri’s government is supposed to only serve until the next parliament elections in 9 months, I’m not really sure how is he going to fulfill his promise while slow-speed copper wires are still used to connect us to central offices.

Anyway, when it comes to internet, I prefer to remain a bit optimistic because we really need a better connection so bad, not only for personal use but because the infrastructure upgrade will definitely have a positive impact on our economy. And in all cases, no matter what the government plans are, I hope they start by getting rid of Abdel Menhem Youssef first!


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – December 21st 2016


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for the Christmas week. It was hard for me to limit the list to 10 events only, they’re all super cool and I imagine you will have a hard time deciding which ones to attend!

  1. Christmas Day Buffet at Raouché Arjaan by Rotana
  2. Christmas Day with Santa at Gefinor Rotana
  3. Magical Christmas Eve at Raouché Arjaan by Rotana
  4. Li Wei – Whisperings : Art Exhibition by Chinese Artist at Alice Mogabgab Gallery
  5. Celebrate a Christmas Eve with Friends at Le Télégraphe de Belle-Vue!
  6. Beit Mery en Fête – Noël 2016
  7. Christmas Food Market by Fair Trade Lebanon – “Christmas Loves Apples”
  8. Enchanted Reality – Art Exhibition by Aramé Art Gallery in Beirut Souks
  9. Holiday Food/Toy Drive 2016
  10. Lunch with Santa at Le Télégraphe de Belle-Vue!
  11. Marché de Noel a Harissa
  12. Cheese and Wine at Le Télégraphe de Belle-Vue!
  13. Christmas Village – Beirut Souks
  14. Santa’s corner at The Village Dbayeh
  15. NEMR at TED
  16. Christmas Eve at Indigo on the Roof
  17. Christmas Lunch at Indigo on the Roof

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


It’s Christmas and Lebanon is Calling!

In my humble opinion, Demco easily wins the best Christmas ad this year!

In the same spirit of the ad during they made for the US presiential elections, they’re still reaching out for the Lebanese expats to convince them of returning back to their home country following some breakthroughs like the election of a new president and the formation of a new government, and while the previous one was touching, the new ad reaches even deeper everyone of us.

We all have loved family members living abroad, and most of those are not even thinking of returning. But come to think of it, while we have a lot of reasons to curse this country everyday, we have a hundred more to love it! I personally had the opportunity to go live and work elsewhere, but I chose to stay here because I’m too attached to my city to leave it.

When I watched the ad I couldn’t but think of my brother who lives in the UAE and how much my parents and I would all love him to come live among us again…!

We all deserve to reunite with our loved ones, at least during the happy holiday season if not for a lifetime, because as the ad at the end says, it is simply not the same without them!


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – December 14th 2016


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. Many Christmas markets are taking place in several areas and I highly recommend you check them out!

  1. Christmas In Action
  2. Li Wei – Whisperings : Art Exhibition by Chinese Artist at Alice Mogabgab Gallery
  3. The Cocktail Market at Christmas In Action
  4. Christmas Specials
  5. Marché de Noël a Bikfaya
  6. Enchanted Reality – Art Exhibition by Aramé Art Gallery in Beirut Souks
  7. Marché de Noel a Harissa
  8. Beit Mery en Fête – Noël 2016
  9. Christmas Food Market by Fair Trade Lebanon – “Christmas Loves Apples”
  10. Christmas Market at Gefinor Rotana
  11. Wine & More – Elissar Branch Opening
  12. 9th Beirut Greek Film Festival
  13. Elevate Startup Sprint

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – December 7th 2016


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. A lot of Christmas related events are taking place around town so make sure to check them out!

  1. Screening of the play Johar Up in the Air
  2. Screening & DVD launching – The play Shebaik Lebaik
  3. Li Wei – Whisperings : Art Exhibition by Chinese Artist at Alice Mogabgab Gallery
  4. The Beirut Body Language Seminar
  5. Christmas Specials
  6. Beirut 60th International Arab Book Fair 2016 – معرض بيروت الدولي للكتاب العربي
  7. Badaro Magical Christmas
  8. Yogis granting a child’s wish with Ziad
  9. Marché de Noël a Bikfaya
  10. Christmas Rock Concert
  11. Recruitment Skills Workshop

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


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