Tag Archives | Lebanon

Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – November 30th 2016


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. I personally have been hearing some really good feedback about the play “Faran Inno” so I’m planning to go watch it this week.

  1. The Beirut Body Language Seminar
  2. Beirut Whisky Live 2016
  3. Recruitment Skills Workshop
  4. Faradan Inno – فرضاً إنّو
  5. Afternoon High Tea by the Blue House Tea
  6. Christmas Specials
  7. 3rd Beirut Design & Tech Meetup
  8. Beirut Chants Festivals 2016
  9. Roswell & Orchestra in a special concert
  10. Gingerbread Frosting at Le Bristol

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – November 23th 2016


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. Make your choices wisely!

  1. Google AdWords Workshop @ BDD
  2. Unleash The Blogger Within – An Introductory Course
  3. 21-Days Holidays Survival Challenge
  4. FCM Free Connected Minds Conference 2016
  5. Let’s Recycle workshop with Racha Ismael at Beirut Is… Exhibition
  6. Pulsação, Live at Maracas!
  7. Tripoli Triathlon Grand Prix
  8. Where can I find a man like you, Ali? – Theater Play by Lina Abyad
  9. The Art of Handling People – Workshop with Chris & Kay
  10. Image Consulting Workshop

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.



The Authorities Just Noticed Amhaz, Sa7 El Nom!


The owner of Amhaz cell shops, Kamel Amhaz, was arrested two days ago for illegaly smuggling more than 1.5 million phones with an approximate value of $45 million since the year 2000. And just like everytime a significant figure is put behind bars, some supporters blocked some roads near Beirut airport and in Baalbeck to protest his arrest.

However, while the protests are justified at a time where people hit the streets for the silliest reasons, the timing of the arrest is totally unacceptable. I know it’s always better late than never, but how on earth can the authorities wait more than 16 years to arrest such guy while everybody knew everything about his illegal business during the past years! Hell even I wrote a couple of times about getting smartphones from his shops. And it isn’t like Amhaz was operating from secret places, his shops are well know and one of them is even at a mall in Beirut.

Seriously, how can you brag about such accomplishment in the media and not lose credibility?!

On a lighter note, I wish getting people in jail was a simple as writing about them!


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – November 16th 2016


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. Many cool events are taking place this week and my personal favorite are the movie screening at BDD, Salon du Chocolat in BIEL, and MEEN’s 10th anniversary concert!

  1. Beirut Cooking Festival 2016
  2. Cine Club at BDD: Movie & Discussion: The Pirates of Silicon Valley – Part of the GEW 2016
  3. Salon du Chocolat Beirut 2016
  4. Entreprenergy – Taqa Summit – Part of the GEW
  5. MEEN in concert – 10 years anniversary
  6. Beirut Art Film Festival 2016
  7. Spanish Film Week
  8. Les Musicales de Baabdath
  9. Gingerbread Frosting at Palais Sursock
  10. DiaLeb’s 6th Annual Fundraising Gala Dinne
  11. One Lebanon Concert – تيبقى الإستقلال عيد
  12. Kids United en Concert

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


Smartphones in Lebanon – Low Prices VS Genuine Warranty


Back in June when I got my S7 Edge, I decided to save some money by getting it from Amhaz in Bir El Abed because the price they provide for smartphones and accessories are usually the lowest in the market ($630 back then) *cough no VAT and no tax cough*. However, for selling at such prices, Amhaz does not give you a receipt and the warranty you get only covers factory defects which seemed fair enough for me.

I previously got some phones for my friends and family from there and luckily never had any problem with the handsets so I never resorted to the warranty. But fast forward to last week, my phone’s screen suddenly started to show a pink and green tint then continuously flashing, so I immediately took it to Amhaz to have it checked.

I got a phone call the next day that the screen is defected and I can have it replaced for $350 (Edge screens are expensive), so I went to the shop and started arguing with a technician about the origin of the problem as he insisted the screen was damaged due to some shock, knowing that the phone was unscratched and I never dropped it during the last days of using it.

Long story short, I couldn’t convince him of having it replaced under the warranty so I sold him the phone as it is for $160 and got an S7 instead.

I’m not sharing my story with you to bitch about Amhaz customer service, but to rather shed light on the importance of buying gadgets and electronics from authorized dealers. Such dealers have direct contact with the manufacturers and can help you easily replace a handset if it proved to be factory defective. On the other hand, other shops get their stuff imported through alternative channels and should go through a hassle to send a defective item to its origin, which explains why the warranty they give you is very limited.

I will never know what was wrong with my screen, maybe it was factory defected or maybe I could have damaged it myself, but what I’m sure of is that I had a higher chance of repairing it for free had I opted to originally get it from CTC because I heard of so many stories where people were able to get their phones repaired at no cost. Needless to say, with dealers like CTC and others the cases where a service is provided for free are clearly defined and do not depend on the technician’s mood.

At a time when tech companies are always challenged to keep innovating and releasing new models, shit can happen with their new designs and you never know when you might end up purchasing a messed up device like the Note 7 and regret not having a valid warranty with it. I learned my lesson the hard way, but I urge you to learn from my mistake! I now believe a genuine warranty is worth a few tens of bucks when buying such expensive devices, and no don’t settle for “kafeilit ma7all”. When it comes to mobile phones, make sure you a warranty from CTC for Samsung phones, and from Gomobile for Sony, Alcatel, HTC, and Lenovo.

Phonefinity.net is one of the shops I recommend for smartphones with genuine warranty at a really good price.


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – November 9th 2016


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. Don’t miss the gourmet week happening from Monday till next Friday which will feature special promotions and discounts from the top restaurants and bars in town!

  1. Beirut Marathon 2016
  2. Royal Wedding Fair
  3. Gourmet Week 2016
  4. Zoukak Sidewalks 2016 – The Festival
  5. GEW Lebanon 2016 – Global Entrepreneurship Week Lebanon
  6. Be their chance #3 – Concert
  7. Chess classes at Cranium Educational Center
  8. Grande Braderie Et Artisanat 2016
  9. Learning From Nature Workshop
  10. Night hike & Full Beaver Moon monitoring

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


Lebanon is Calling – DEMCO Properties Ad on CNN is Spot On!


Following the election of a new president in Lebanon after 2 and half years of vacuum, the general mood among the politicians and people alike has been turning positive with hopes of a stable and flourishing future ahead, and this beautiful ad by DEMCO Properties that was showing every 30 minutes on CNN during their coverage of the presidential elections really nails it at restoring the Lebanese expats’ faith in their country.

The ad shows some accomplished Lebanese businessman in NYC getting an emotional call from his homeland (literally) to tell him that Lebanon is back again on his feet and needs his support to accomplish more and eventually secure a stable future.

Needless to say, the ad encourages Lebanese expats to never lose faith in their country and contribute in its recovery by investing more in it, however the most important message this is conveying is to remain positive (who would have guessed 1 month ago that we will elect a president on October 31st?!), I mean even if some expats don’t have some spare money to invest in Lebanon, watching this ad is enough to give them a warm feeling and an extra push to achieve more!


Stunning Silent Mini Documentary of Beirut in 1921


I’m a sucker for old photos and videos of Beirut and the below two videos I found on medmem.eu are an absolute gem!

The videos are both silent and were taken in 1921 during the French mandate. The first part shows several areas of Beirut like Saint George, Raouche, and The Grand Serail with brief descriptions in between the different scenes. It was quite interesting to learn from that part that a french aviation line used to connect Lebanon to Europe back then  through seaplanes.


On the other hand, the second part focuses on education institutions at that time with scenes showing USJ univerity and Hotel Dieu hospital among others institutes. Towards the end of it you can also see the Patriarch during that time Elias Peter Hoayek sitting between some officials at College du Sacre-Coeur.

I will be searching to check if there are other related video to this documentary and will definitely be sharing them if I found any.


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – November 2nd 2016


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. Two big events are taking place over the next few days, the francophone book fair in Biel and the BDL Accelerate conference at Forum de Beyrouth.

  1. 23eme Salon du Livre Francophone de Beyrouth 2016
  2. UN Film Festival
  3. Lancement de la BD Maximum Max – Aventures de Maxime Chaaya
  4. Zoukak Sidewalks 2016 – The Festival
  5. BDL Accelerate Conference 2016
  6. Tom a La Licorne
  7. 3eesh 7ayetak (عيش حياتك)
  8. Global HR Trends Summit Beirut
  9. Maison Colombe – Activités Culturelles & Spirituelles
  10. Trends Of Business Book Signing by Hasan Youness

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


Beirut Digital Distrcit Has a New Little Free Library

I went to Beirut Digital District yesterday and was surprised to find that a new Little Free Library popped up there!

In case you’re not familiar to this initiative, Little Free Library is a worldwide movement that promotes reading by encouraging people to take any of the available books inside that box in exchange of leaving another one. I have earlier spotted a similar library in Horsh Tabet public garden and wrote about it here.

Those who work there are definitely lucky for being to able to exchange old books with new interesting reads for free. Hoping to see more of these libraries in public places!


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