Tag Archives | Lebanon

Horsh Beirut Now Open To The Public All Weekdays


Following the opening of Horsh Beirut to the public for once per week last year, Nahnoo announced last night on Facebook that a decision was taken for the pine park to be open to the public all weekdays as of June 6th 2016.

I’m not sure whether it was the governor of Beirut Ziad Chbib or the municipality who authorized it, but it’s definitely a much needed step to let people enjoy this beautiful green space. I just hope the municipality will allocate enough and adequate personnel to ensure the cleanliness and security of Horsh Beirut, otherwise I’m pretty sure it won’t take long until people ruin it.


Horsh Beirut will be open from 7AM till 2PM on weekdays, and from 7AM till 7PM on weekends.


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – May 25th 2016


Here are my selection from Lebtivity for this week. Do not miss the Cabriolet film festival on 27, 28, and 29 May at St. Nicolas stairs in Gemmayze.

  1. Recruitment Skills Workshop
  2. Champions League Final by the Beach at Eddesands
  3. Lebanese Film Festival 2016
  4. PechaKucha Night Vol.25
  5. Energy Lebanon 2016
  6. Cabriolet Film Festival 2016
  7. Project Lebanon 2016
  8. Babysitting Training by Blast’inc
  9. Les Poissons Fossiles du Liban
  11. Le Marché Saifi

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


On Tripoli’s New Bike Lane


I really hate to be a party pooper, but as I much as I like the city of Tripoli and love spending time there, I didn’t feel much excited about that new bike near the International Fair.

To start with, I personally love biking and I imagine a ride across Tripoli would be so fun to do since it’s a relatively small city with many interesting places to see, without forgetting the tasty stuff you’ll find whether from food and drink carts or small shops everywhere.

That being said, the initiative of introducing a bike lane sounds like a pretty good move and I hope it gets implemented in other areas around the city as well. But before we all get hyped can we question whether people will actually respect it or not?

  • Lebanese drivers barely acknowledge the existence of white lines on the road, and I don’t think an additional yellow one will make any difference
  • Whether designated to be place for cars to park or not, the right side of any street here is taken for granted as a parking space. It’s more like an unspoken driving rule and chances are cars will soon be parked all over that yellow line.
  • Moreover, even if we manage to clear that space exclusively for bikers, we will never be able to convince taxi drivers to stop using it to pick up passengers.

So yes basically unless we start respect the basic driving rules in Lebanon I see the new line totally useless. Until then, ride safely!


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – May 18th 2016


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. It’s gonna be a packed one with many cool events taking place this week from The Garden Show, to AUB Outdoors, Beirut Cultural Festivals and many others!

  1. Middle East Social Media Festival 2016
  2. The Garden Show & Spring Festival 2016
  3. Beirut Design Week 2016
  4. Retrieving Beirut
  5. Wines of Bordeaux: Tasting Course at Enoteca
  6. AUB Outdoors | The Big Race
  7. Beirut Cultural Festivals 2016
  8. Le Prénom – Piece de Theatre de Nadine Makdessi
  9. Another Night On Broadway By Roy Khoury
  10. SPRING Festival 2016 | Beirut
  11. Clement Francomme from Blockchainiz at BDD
  12. Sacoche Leather Works at Urbanista

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for more options.


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – May 11th 2016


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week for a little bit of everything for everyone!

  1. ‘The Moment’ by Milad Hadchiti – The Rerun
  2. Escape Games Beirut – The new smart fun activity!
  3. Johar… Up in the air- A Theatre play in Roumieh Prison May 2016
  4. 3azimetna Theatre Play
  5. Hike For CHARITY with Wild Adventures
  6. Beirut Vocal point presents The Beatles at Blue Note Cafe
  7. Postcards in Concert
  8. NAWF – New Arab Women Forum 2016
  9. Iceland: Aurora & landscape photography exhibition
  10. Rabih and the playmates at The Back door
  11. Celebrating Colors 2016

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.



Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – May 4th 2016


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. The weather promises to remain good over the next few days for some outdoor activities like Marche aux Fleurs in Bikfaya or a trip to discover Baskinta, so make the most of it!

  1. IMPOSSIBLE “Be Part of the Magic” Show in Lebanon
  2. Venezia Cinema Beirut 2016 at Empire Sofil
  3. Marché aux Fleurs – Bikfaya 2016
  4. Recycling at Makan
  5. German Spring Market 2016
  6. Beirut International Tango Festival 2016
  7. CENTRICO – Grand Opening
  8. Baskinta Literary Trail with Adventures in Lebanon
  9. Let’s be confused on the fact we are not together but have official emotions for each other
  10. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, DVD
  11. Exhibition for a Cause
  12. Culinary Heaven – Horeca Night at the Titanic Piano Bar

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.



Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – April 27th 2016


Yet another round of cool outing ideas from Lebtivity! We’re in for a long weekend so here my picks for you to inspire your plans.

  1. Spring Family Lunch Buffet & Easter Egg Hunt at Beit Wadih
  2. Escape Games Beirut – The new smart fun activity!
  3. Spring at the Roof Market – Citymall
  4. Cannes Coup de Coeur
  5. Easter at CityMall
  6. Nemr Abou Nassar New Stand up Comedy Show LIVE at BIEL
  7. Meen the Band Live at Publicity
  8. Jeane Manson en Concert au Casino du Liban
  9. SPRING Festival 2016 | Beirut
  10. Startup Grind Beirut hosts Majed Al Tamer (WSI)
  11. Arthur Satyan 4-day Jazz Master Class
  12. BIPOD 2016
  13. The Beirut International Jazz Day 2016

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


Review – Beirut Fawq Al Shajara بيروت فوق الشجرة


I recently watched “Beirut Fawq Al Shajara” written by Yehya Jaber and starring Ziad Itani, the same duo who brought us “Beirut Tarik Jdideh” a couple of years ago. And while the latter featured stories inspired from the day to day lives of people living in Tarik Jdideh, the new play focused on events that took place around other areas in Beirut. It might sound redundant at first, but trust me it isn’t. Ziad Itani delivered once again a solid performance without feeling fake on stage, and never failed to crack the audience up at the stories he was illustrating.

Beirut Fawk al Shajara follows the story of Fouad, a Beiruti influenced by his Turkish grandmother as a child, who manages to engage into relationships with many women of different nationalities as he ages while working as tailor. With each relationship we get introduced to some event that took place at a certain time in Beirut’s recent history in a humorous way.

What makes it all interesting is that despite the whole story being fictitious, the events Ziad Itani tells are all pretty accurate. So you’ll be laughing your heart our over the play duration but still learn a good deal from the recent history of the city. You are also guaranteed to be leaving the theater and for some reason humming “Oh lali 3ala Oh lala”!

All in all, and as a side note, I’m really satisfied about the plays Lebanese artists have performed over the last few years such as Venus, Ka3eb 3aleh, and Injazat 7ayat to name a few that do not speak to the audience in a dumb way the same way Lebanese movies and drama series mostly do.

Beirut Fawq Al Shajara is showing at Teatro Verdun (Dunes Center) on Mondays and Thursdays, with tickets selling for 35,000L.L. Needless to say, I highly recommend you go watch it!


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – April 20th 2016


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. The annual heartbeat concert is happening this weekend and I highly recommend you book your ticket to help children suffering from heart diseases.

This year’s concert will feature 100 singers, dancers, musicians and comedians, performing live on stage, with decors, costumes, screen projections and lighting effects inspired from several countries. And if you’re unable to attend but still want to donate to heartbeat, you can do so through their website.

  1. The Moment (Sar wa2ta) with Milad Hadchiti
  2. Startups Success Stories: A Hands-on Experience from IE & Friends
  3. Stress Management workshop at Skillz
  4. Heartbeat Concert 2016
  5. Curro De Candela
  6. TEDxNDULouaize – Main Event 2016 – Unknown Variables
  7. The Voice Kids Tour 2016 in Lebanon
  8. The Happiness Program With The Art of Living Foundation
  9. Walk with Al Younbouh 2016
  10. The French Macaron – Cooking class with Lamina’s Kitchen
  11. Carina Live at Zico House
  12. Live Concert at l’appartement
  13. Braderie du Livre à la Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture a Zouk Mikael
  14. Rupture à Domicile – Comédie

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


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