Tag Archives | Lebanon

Transgenders in Lebanon


I was quite surprised to come across this gallery of three Lebanese transgenders called Hans, Toy, and Sasha who agreed to pose for a photoshoot for L’Orient-Le Jour. I mean let’s be honest, no matter how much the media try to show that we have a liberated lifestyle here, we still live in a relatively hostile society that acts negatively towards gay people, let alone those who actually desire to transition permanently to the gender with which they really identify.

Upon searching a bit, I found that even Patrick Baz, the photographer who carried out the photoshoot, was also shocked with the courage these three people had to actually agree to go public. But according to his story, they only grew a thick skin after getting rejected by their families.


Last month, Lebanese judge Jannet Hanna granted a transgender man the right to change his legal status in the civil registry. It’s definitely a good news for our juridical system to finally acknowledge that sex change should be a civil right for everyone, however the process was not straight forward for that man since his original request to fix his legal status after undergoing a sex change operation was first rejected by another judge but he appealed it. So given that not everyone is able to go through that procedure and get the same result, can you imagine the awkward situations these people experience every time they have to apply for some legal document? Granted, they get weird looks every time they go to their Mokhtar, at the airport, or event at military checkpoints!


It’s 2016, and it’s definitely about time our society becomes positive about people who experience a mismatch between their assigned sex and their gender identity. Claiming that transgenders and people with different sexual orientation are spoiling our society is no longer a valid argument, because I’m pretty sure the Lebanese media along with us are accomplishing a really good job at doing that!


Little Free Library


I was at Horsh Tabet Public garden with my kid last Sunday when I came across this cool box called “Little Free Library” by Arcenciel.

The purpose of this box is to promote reading among people by simply allowing them to take any book they want from it, and in the same way also add their own books to it, thus the sign on top that reads “Take a book, return a book”. Pretty cool, don’t you think?

Arcenciel’s initiative is part of an international movement going by the same name “Little Free Library” that encourages people to put up similar boxes in their neighborhood to exhange books among each other. And there’s no restriction on the genre of books that people can add to the box, which makes it interesting for you to check on the available books every time you stumble upon these little libraries.


I tried looking up if other boxes are available in Lebanon and only managed to find an additional one in Tripoli. It would be nice to have more of these boxes at public places and even private ones like coffee shops maybe, where people would more likely be in the mood to read something.


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – February 3rd 2016


The picks for this week from Lebtivity have something for everyone! I’ve been hearing a lot of good feedback about Camil Salame’s play “انجازات حياة” so I think I’ll be trying to catch one of its shows this weekend.

  1. Recruitment Skills Workshop
  2. Coma Ca Va? – Samy Khayath new play
  3. The 10 Seeds Of Success
  4. Georges Dalaras live in Concert in Lebanon
  5. Guest Bartending: Olivier Jacob at Central Station Boutique Bar
  6. Vegetarian Cooking Course & Meditation
  7. Join & Grow – LLWB Monthly Networking Event
  8. Barbara Nassar Association Gala Dinner
  9. Last Drink at Montreal
  10. Wedding Folies 2016
  11. انجازات حياة – Life achievements – Theater Play by Camil Salame
  12. 2nd SalSensual Dance Festival

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


AUB 150th Anniversary

american university of beirut

This year marks 150 years since the establishment of The American University of Beirut in 1866.

AUB is by far the oldest university in Lebanon and has to some extent played a role in shaping the history of Beirut by influencing the culture of the surrounding area in Hamra and making it a meeting place for avant-garde thinking and revolutionaries during the 60s and 70s.

I have always admired their campus which is in my opinion the most beautiful one among other Lebanese universities, and a stroll in their green areas always feels like an escape from Beirut’s polluted atmosphere.

To celebrate their 150th anniversary, AUB built a dedicated website http://150.aub.edu.lb that has their calendar of events throughout the year, in addition to a history timeline highlighting their milestones and accomplishments, and a cool page sharing the stories of couple that have met at AUB.

I highly recommend you check out the website for some bits of history and interesting old photos of the university.

photo via flickr


Blink My Car – The Latest On-Demand Car Wash Service


Blink My Car” is a new mobile app that allows people in Beirut to book a car wash for their car or motorbike wherever they are around the city. All they have to do is place an order through the app and a team will show up at their place to clean the vehicle using waterless products.

The idea is not new to the market since two similar services were previously launched in 2010 (Yara Service) and 2014 (Just Wash), but Blink My Car seems easier to use since it doesn’t involve calling any phone number.

I actually downloaded the app and it required me to register and enter basic details about my car in order for them to identify it once they arrive (car model, color, and plate number). I’m not sure though how much helpful will these info be in crowded areas, but anyway I was mostly curious to know how much is their fees. It turned out they charge $10 per car/motorbike and an additional $2 for the car interior, so that’s a total of $12 of 18,000L.L to properly clean your car.

I honestly found the fare a bit too high since I usually can get my car cleaned for anything between 5,000L.L and 10,000L.L. But then again, if I ever felt like I really really need to wash my car ad was unable to go out, then I will probably consider using “Blink My Car” and will be willing to pay the extra 8,000L.L.

I wish their team all the luck anyway!


Seven Lebanese Among The World’s 50 Richest Arabs in 2016

50 richest arabs

Arabian Business released their list of The World’s 50 Richest Arabs for the year 2016 and 7 Lebanese made it this year.

2- Joseph Safra ($12bn)
23- Najib Mikati ($3bn)
24- Taha Mikati ($3bn)
30- The Hayek Family (3bn)
43- Saad Hariri ($2bn)
45- Fouad Makhzoumi ($2bn)
46- Robert Mouawad ($2bn)

The richest Arab is unsurprisingly Prince AlWaleed Bin Talal with $25 billions, but if Carlos Slim had the Lebanese citizenship then he would have definitely topped the list with his $77 billions.

Needless to say, 4 out of the 7 mentioned are into politics, which logically makes it the most profitable “business” in this country!

You can check the full list here.


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – January 27th 2016


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. Movie buffs may be interest in the 22nd European film festival taking place at Metropolis cinema for the next 10 days. You can check the full festival program here.

  1. 22nd European Film Festival in Lebanon
  2. Stress Management workshop at Skillz
  3. Vicente Guallart at BDD: Prototyping the City of the future
  4. La Nuit des idées
  6. Iyad Sfeir and The Proud Music Society at Junkyard Beirut
  7. Launching the New Collection of Blown Glass from the GREEN GLASS RECYCLING INITIATIVE-LEBANON
  8. InterNations Beirut – A Fiery 80’s Night @ Smoking Barrels!
  9. Burns Night at Eau De Vie under the patronage of the Caledonian Society
  10. Semaine de l’Orgue au Liban – Lebanese Pipe Organ Week – SOL 2016
  11. Discover / Découvrez Mtein & Khonchara avec Tourleb
  12. Les Caves de La Creperie Opening

Make sure to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.



A Very Subjective Opinion on “Bennesbeh Labokra Chou?” The Movie

bennesbeh labokra chou

I finally managed to watch “Bennesbeh Labokra Chou?” in cinema a couple of days ago and was so delighted to finally see the original acting instead of imagining the scenes in my head!

The work that M Media has done is definitely remarkable since the movie is actually made out of several amateur recordings of the play that were carefully reconstructed and arranged to make a relatively smooth movie. But as much as I enjoyed watching the whole thing, I couldn’t stop thinking the whole time that “Bennesbeh Labokra Chou?” is so perfect it deserved a way better video quality.

The videos are basically all grainy, out of focus at times and shaky at others. I don’t mean there was anything that could have been done better… Retaking a shot is absolutely not an option in our case and the producers were obliged to work with anything Ziad was providing. However, the end result was unfortunately a movie that I don’t feel like watching again unlike the audio plays that I never get bored of. Ziad El-Rahbani is probably the only one to blame for not taking the shooting seriously back then.

“Film Ameriki Tawil” will soon be also showing in cinemas, and I just hope it is recorded in a more professional way. Ziad’s play are timeless and deserve to be treated the same way some Egyptian classics like “Madraset Al Moushaghibin” and “El Wad Sayyed El Shaghal” are still being aired on TV sometimes.

Anyway, what I’ve wrote should never keep you from watching “Bennesbeh Labokra Chou?” on the big screen. And despite the bad quality of the video, I guarantee you will still enjoy finally seeing the original acting, especially the part where Joseph Sakr sings “3a Hadir El Bosta” with everyone around him dancing to it.


Lebanon’s Pablo Escobar is Making Rounds on TV Stations

nouh zaiter

Noah Zaiter, the infamous drug lord living in Bekaa, has for some reason started to make rounds on Lebanese TV stations the same way you see some singers moving from one show to another over a short period of time. A  few days ago he was interviewed by one of Tele Liban’s comic shows, and he’s also set to appear on Aljadeed next week with the super dramatic Tammam Bleik.

The guy can seriously be compared to Colombia’s Pablo Escobar as he claims to be helping the poor people out of the drug money he earns. I’m not sure though about the messages he’s trying to deliver through his appearances now…!

What puzzles me the most however  is that TV stations can easily reach Noah Zaiter for interviews while the Lebanese authorities will probably never be able to arrest him.


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