Tag Archives | Lebanon

AUB Chosen Among the Most Beautiful Universities in the World

american university of beirut

The Most Beautiful Universities in the World” is a recently released book by photographer Guillaume de Laubier and French literature specialist Jean Serroy. The book features the most beautiful institutions from around the world and the American University of Beirut was unsurprisingly among the 23 chosen ones.

University of Bologna was ranked first in the book and the list included the Sorbonne in France, Cambridge University in England, Yale University in the United States, Qatar University and several other architecturally significant universities.

The American University of Beirut was established in 1866 which makes it one of the oldest academic institutions in Lebanon and is definitely one of Beirut’s landmarks. With more than 60 buildings and several libraries spread over an area of 250,000m2, the campus is well known for its extensive green space and for offering the neighbors in Bliss street and the surrounding areas an unimpeded view to the sea thanks to its low rise construction.


You Can Finally Netflix and Chill in Lebanon!


Netflix just announced today during a keynote at CES the launching of its service in more than 130 new countries including Lebanon! So yeah, you can finally “Netflix and chill” now 😉

The only way to have Netflix in Lebanon and other Arab countries prior to this announcement was by signing up to some US VPN service, but as of today you won’t have to go through the hassle of doing that anymore.

I personally really love their content and used to abuse my brother’s account in Dubai everytime I went there, however the only and most important concern here in Lebanon is whether our shitty internet connection will be able to stream the service in HD. The only way to figure out is by signing up for a free trial which I’m gonna do right away!


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – January 6th 2016


Here’s my selection from Lebtivity for this week. If you’re into ice skating then definitely don’t miss the rink at Citymall Level 2.

  1. Les Elans ne sont pas toujours des animaux faciles – Piece de Theatre
  2. The Dream Matcher Experience – New Year Edition
  3. The Blues Express at The Hangout Beirut
  4. Ice Skating in Citymall – Freez Zone
  5. Rebirthing – Courage to dive into yourself
  6. Unleash Your Entrepreneurial Mindset for 2016
  7. Masterclass: Silicon Valley is a Mindset, not a Location
  8. Let’s Talk Language – New year’s edition
  9. BistroBar Live presents “Wine & Cheese Sundays with Shady & The Band”
  10. Positive Affirmations Workshop

Don’t forget to check Lebtivity.com for much more ideas.


Five Things The Good Note Initiative is Missing


If you haven’t heard about it yet, The Good Note is a new initiative by Bou Khalil Supermarket aiming to give the children on the streets the essentials they need without funding the adults who sent them out to the streets and might be abusing them.

The idea is to sell small vouchers worth 1,000L.L each that can only be redeemed at Bou Khalil for necessities and small treats or at Pharmalife pharmacy in Hazmieh. You’re of course supposed to keep these vouchers in your wallet to give them to the child you may encounter on the street so that they can buy the stuff they really need, and this way you make sure you’re actually giving them responsibly.

The initiative is definitely good and plausible, I personally usually avoid giving child beggars any money because I know it will end up in the wrong hands, and always prefer to give them any food I might have instead. However, after giving a second thought about The Good Note it sounded a bit unpractical for the following reasons.

  1. Explaining the idea to children

    I know we get stuck in traffic for a good time in Beirut, but sometimes you have so little time to give children the voucher and explain to them it isn’t fake and that they can really redeem it at a certain supermarket. Judging by how these children behave, I doubt they will believe it and will most probably end up throwing away the vouchers.

  2. Branch locations

    Assuming a child was convinced to go redeem a voucher, Bou Khalil has only one branch in Beirut (Koraytem) and going all the way from Achrafieh, Bechara El Khoury, or Mazraa for example doesn’t really seem cost effective to me in order to redeem a vouhcer, two or three.
    Other branches nearby Beirut are located in Hazmieh, Hadath, and Mansourieh.

  3. How much are you willing to give?

    Seriously now, how much are willing to give a child beggar? I personally never gave them more than 1,000L.L. So these children will have to wait until they collect a good number of these vouchers before making a trip to the supermarket to buy the necessities they need.

  4. What happens to the change?

    Say a child bought goods worth 2,250L.L, what happens to the remaining 750L.L? The website claims the voucher cannot be redeemed for real money.

  5. The  generated profit

    The website claims the generated profit from the sales of these good notes will go to an NGO that works to care for street and working children in Lebanon. It isn’t clear though whether the exact voucher value or the profit generated after completing a sales transaction will be donated to the NGO, but I think it is most probably the latter, which seems very little money to me…
    It also wasn’t clear what would happen to the value of the vouchers that get thrown away and end up never used, which will result in pure profit for Bou Khalil alone.

I really don’t want Bou Khalil to hate on me because of this post, but it is our right to question such initiatives. In my opinion, Bou Khalil could have simply offered people to purchase any goods they want and deposit them in a box at the exit and street children will then be free to enter into the supermarket and pick the items they need the most (it can be limited to 2 items per day).

COOP Supermarkets also started a good initiative a while ago allowing customers to pay an extra 1,500L.L for a pack of bread to be available at the entrance for anyone who might be in need.


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – December 23th 2015


This is probably the biggest selection I’ve made from Lebtivity since it’s almost Christmas and Beirut couldn’t be busier than this! Wishing you all a very merry Christmas!

  1. Sunday Night Fever – Special 70s & 80s Night at The Hangout Beirut
  3. Fondue Nights at éCafé – Sursock
  4. Ma3 el wa2et… Yemkin – A Theater Play by Georges Khabbaz
  5. Run with Nike Running Club – NRC

Christmas Special:

  1. Souk El Akel – Christmas Edition
  2. Bruno, Cynthya and Christmas at ABC!
  3. Jardin de Noël – Sioufi Garden
  4. AS SEEN ON TV – A Live Christmas Show on Stage
  5. Christmas 2015 Decoration in Byblos with a special Christmas Tree
  6. Decadance. The Christmas Edition: BAD SANTA
  8. The Gathering – Clothes Bank
  9. Colonel Beer presents: Christmas Day
  10. Christmas gathering at B018
  11. Sparkling Christmas at the Jewelry Souks
  12. Christmas Dinner at Venezia
  13. Christmas Spirit at Grand Hills, A Luxury Collection Hotel & Spa
  14. Jood Bel Mawjood- The Christmas edition
  15. Winterlude at De Prague
  16. Christmas Party at Coop d’Etat
  17. CHRISTMAS IS NOT FOR US: The Basement’s Yearly Fundraiser
  18. The Hollywood Circus – Special Christmas Edition
  20. L’Etoile Rouge – Theatre pour enfants avec GHINWA

Don’t forget to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – December 16th 2015


We’re in for a week that is packed with events all over town! But between all the live performances, exhibitions, and cool parties happening this week, don’t miss the awesome Christmas events I also picked from Lebtivity especially the concert by Majida El Roumi that will take place at Lazarieh church.

  1. Growing Circles – Networking Event for the Lebanese Alumni of Top Universities in the world
  2. THE BRIT FLOYD – “Space & Time World Tour 2015” in Beirut
  3. The Blues Express at The Hangout Beirut
  4. “None-Disposable” Exhibition – معرض “مش للكب”
  5. Garage Sale at Metropolis Cinema
  6. Sunday Brunch at Junkyard Beirut
  7. Nour Nimri Live @ Hole In The Wall
  8. Run with Nike Running Club – NRC
  9. Beirut Port District Annual Party!
  10. #SistaAtTheVilla – Sista Browns Christmas Pop up Store at Villa Paradiso

Christmas Top 12 this week!

  1. Anthony Touma Live in Concert – Christmas Beat
  2. Artisans Market in Saifi Village
  3. Concert de Noel de la Federation des Anciens de l’USJ
  4. Beirut Christmas Village 2015
  5. The Christmas Mission 2015 – Rock Concert for a Cause
  6. Bikfaya Christmas Festival 2015
  8. Christmas Comic Book Sale
  9. MATTEO’s Christmas Concert: In Excelsis Deo!
  10. Spiritual Café Christmas POTLUCK Gathering
  11. Majida El Roumi Christmas Concert in Azarieh Church
  12. L’Orchestre Philharmonique Du Liban in Christmas Concert

Don’t forget to check Lebtivity.com for much more options!


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – December 9th 2015


So much is happening in town this week and it was a bit hard to limit my picks from Lebtivity for this week to 10 only! Make sure not to miss Festival du Vin Libanais taking place at Zouk Mikael from Friday till Sunday.

  1. 8th Beirut Greek Film Festival
  2. Banque du Liban Accelerate 2015
  3. Festival Du Vin Libanais
  4. انجازات حياة – Life achievements – Theater Play by Camil Salame
  5. Grand Opening Theatrum
  6. Samy Khayath ouvre sa tireRire
  7. BASSMA Annual Gala Dinner 2015
  8. Fairytale Night at the Hangout Beirut
  9. Maracas Live Sessions & Harmonix Events presents: “Los Bandidos”
  10. KNOW the place
  11. Silicon Valley’s Mobile Growth Workshop in Beirut
  12. A Whole Lotta Love – Open studio

Top 5 Christmas events of the week:

  1. Christmas World Is Coming To Town
  2. Christmas at the Villa – 2nd Edition
  3. Christmas in the House | Handmade Marketplace
  4. Believe – Syncope Christmas Concert 2015
  5. Marche de Noel Solidaire 2015

Don’t forget to check Lebtivity.com for much more options!


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – December 2nd 2015


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. Throughout December I will also be selecting the top 5 Christmas related events happening each week since a lot of cool stuff are happening during this festive month!

  1. Beirut Digital Space in the Beirut Arab Book Fair 2015
  2. Bejart Ballet Lausane au Liban
  3. Diner du Sommelier par Vinifest a L’Hotel Le Bristol
  4. Lebtivity presentation in the Beirut Digital Space
  5. Opening week of the Cheesecake Factory in Beirut – Lebanon
  6. Salon des Vins 2015
  7. Recruitment Skills Workshop
  8. DIFFERENCES by Tamer Haddad – Album signing session
  9. Signature de l’album du groupe Champlain – “Petites Histoires”
  10. The Giant Dog Walk Event Ashrafieh December 2015

Top 5 Christmas events of the week:

  1. Souk El Akel – Christmas Edition
  2. Christmas Land by 62 events
  3. Le Royal’s Christmas Village
  4. Vente De Sapins et fleurs de Noel a Bikfaya
  5. Gingerbread Houses Decoration

Make sure to check Lebtivity for much more options.


Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – November 25th 2015


Here are my picks from Lebtivity for this week. The biggest event happening this week is the the 57th edition of the Arab Book Fair which will feature a wide range of publishers and librarians in addition to hosting dozens of parallel events, so make sure not to miss it!

  1. TEDxLIU Beirut
  2. QS World Grad School Tour – International Masters Fair 2015
  3. Beirut Digital Space in the Beirut Arab Book Fair 2015
  4. Beirut International Arab Book Fair 2015 – معرض بيروت الدولي للكتاب العربي
  5. International MBA Fair – QS World MBA Tour 2015
  6. Meet Recycle Beirut
  7. Power to change
  8. REEL ROCK 10
  9. People’s Climate March: The revolution starts here!
  10. Masrah Al Jarima – A play by Betty Taoutel

Don’t forget to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.



Things to Do This Week in Lebanon – November 18th 2015


It’s time for another round of picks from Lebtivity. The Mar Mikhael car free day that was supposed to take place last weekend has been rescheduled to this Sunday due to the unfortunate attacks in Burj Al Barajneh last week. Moreover, those who were born in the 70s and 80s will probably love to see Remi Bendali launching her album “Ma Nseet” on Friday.

  1. GEW Lebanon 2015 – Global Entrepreneurship Week – Lebanon
  2. Nothing Succeeds Like Failing
  3. ‘Jamais en vain, Toujours en vin’ by Rotaract Club of Beirut
  4. The Dream Matcher Experience: Entrepreneurs’ Edition
  5. Social Intelligence Workshop – Part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, GEW 2015
  6. FuckUp Nights Beirut – VOL. II – GEW Lebanon 2015 Edition
  7. Discover Mar Mikhael Car Free Day
  8. Indian Festivities at Al Hindi
  9. Clue Club – Save the world
  10. Re-Mi Bendali ” Ma Nseet ” Album Launching Event

Don’t forget to check Lebtivity.com for much more options.



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