Tag Archives | Lebanon

Lebanese olive oil

I’ve always wondered how olive oil is made until I stumbled upon this interesting video by L’Orient Le Jour showing how the whole process works at one of the workshops in Koura (North Lebanon). Make sure to check it out!


Snow in Beirut?

Well not really, these are more like graupel or snow pellets, but if we got it while “The Bride” has not reached its peak yet, then I guess we’re definitely getting much more in the next couple of days!

Beirut Snow (4)

Beirut Snow (2)

Beirut Snow (3)

Beirut Snow (1)

via Al-Jadeed TV


The Bride storm photos

I don’t know since when did we start calling storms that hit Lebanon by names, but the storm that’s currently hitting Lebanon is called “The Bride“!

Anyway, here are some photos I found on Lebanon Weather Forecast page on Facebook showing what this storm has brought to both the mountains and coastal areas.




Kfardebian 1


Kfardebian 2





The road between Tarchich and Zahle

Tarchich Zahle





Dbayeh (via MTV Lebanon)


Stay safe and warm!!


Nicolas Sehnaoui’s promises for 2013

Nicolas Sehnaoui

Telecom Minister Nicolas Sehnaoui posted on new year’s eve a list of goals he’s looking to accomplish in 2013 in the form of predictions (à la Michael Hayek).

Prediction 2013 #1- Improve the 3G quality with the Deep Indoor Expansion

Prediction 2013 #2- Deploy 4G in the main cities

Prediction 2013 #3- Start the Fiber To The Homes (FTTH) tender process and start connecting users to the Fiber Optic network

Prediction 2013 #4- Equip the remaining 130 co’s with DSL capability

Prediction 2013 #5- Allow and tariff VDSL technology to allow higher speeds for the 75% living under 2km from the CO

Prediction 2013 #6- Launch an International Tender on the management of the 2 mobile operators

Prediction 2013 #7- Finalize with Cyprus the purchase of 700Gb on the Alexandros cable

Prediction 2013 #8- Double the caps on 3G for the same price

Prediction 2013 #9- Start connecting the Heavy Users to Fiber Optic network

Prediction 2013 #10- Deploy the active cabinets that will allow 25% of people living further than 2km from the CO to get normal DSL

Let’s hope they all come true!


Interior photos of Amin Maalouf’s house

amin maalouf apartment 4

Habib Battah has some nice photos over at his blog Beirut Report showing the interior of Amin Maalouf’s house in Badaro which is currently being demolished by Kettaneh Group after getting the necessary approval from minster Gaby Layoun.

amin maalouf apartment 1

amin maalouf apartment 2

amin maalouf apartment 3

amin maalouf apartment

I personally have mixed over this whole thing. As much as I hate to see such old houses going, I also feel for their owners who probably can no longer maintain them and could really make use of the money after selling them to some real estate development company, regardless of how ugly the resulting tower will be, and how affordable the apartments will be to the average Lebanese.


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