A guy who participated in the Lebanese Laïque Pride march for a secular state on March 15 2011 started one of a kind blog calling for help, and it’s nothing related to the cause of the demo he attended, he’s actually searching for a person.
He found himself extremely attracted to one of the girls in that march, and it was his second time to notice her after last year’s march, so he took that as a sign and decided trying to approach her one way or another, and he got really close to his aim until she disappeared!
That’s why he’s now calling for the help of the internet people in Lebanon in an attempt to find her. And in a country where everyone knows everyone, I guess there’s a good probability for that man to find her!
You can read all about his story and the updates he will be posting on his blog Finding Dulcinea, and below is the description of the girl he’s trying to reach:
- She has chestnut color hair, natural color not dyed. (Couleur Châtaigne)
- Blue eyes
- On that day, she was wearing a black tight biking pants and a white jacket. She was carrying on her back a red sports bag, I think it was an Adidas (not sure)
- She had 2 silver rings on her left hand; one of them had a purple stone. (I didn’t notice a wedding band – Geez that would be a bummer if she turns out to be married – but hey let’s keep it positive for now)
- All I know is that she works in the protected area of Solidere where the parliament is. So that area stretches from Costa/Blom bank on the upper level facing the Grand Theatro building all the way down to the area past parliament building/Abed Clock area.
- I am speculating that she must have left her bike in the office that day and was returning to get her bike and leave the sign at her desk.
I can’t but wish him all the luck!