Tag Archives | mission

Angelina Jolie is in Lebanon

Angelina Jolie Bekaa 2

According to tweep @sharbelfaraj, Angelina Jolie is currently secretly visiting Lebanon on a humanitarian mission and staying at Cristal Grand Hotel Kadri in Zahle, which explains why the army closed down the roads leading to the hotel.

If the news turns out to be true, it won’t be the first time for Angelina Jolie to visit Lebanon as she already came earlier in September 2012 to meet the Syrian refugees in Bekaa, and it’s quite brave of her to come again given the hard time the country is going through.


Annahar published today the below photo of Angelina visiting the refugees in Bekaa.

angelina jolie


Best man’oushe in town


If you’re not following No Garlic No Onions blog by Anthony Rahayel then you must be missing a lot. The blog features very interesting and detailed reviews of Lebanese and international restaurants and hotels, with tens of photos accompanying each experience.

Among some of the cool ideas he’s been recently coming up with lately is a quest to find the best man’ouche in town, which consisted of visiting several types of bakeries, the upscale, the dirty, and your regular neighborhood bakery to find the best among them. Read all about it here.

I know the winner in Anthony’s post might not have the ultimate man’oushe in Beirut since it’s practically impossible to visit every single bakery in the city, but you’ll at least get to learn how to judge a good man’oushe.


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