So much for calling his show “Enta Horr”! And I hope MTV Lebanon is aware of what this guy is doing!
After bashing Joe Maalouf for his show that caused pain, hardship and torture to 36 innocent Lebanese men, and suggesting rumors were floating that he might be a closeted gay man himself, the heroic freedom fighter with the show title “Enta Horr” (you are free) filed a lawsuit against this blog and several others. The legal proceedings went unbelievably fast (most definitely bribes + political corruption) and in a matter of days, we were being sought after by the Lebanese security apparatus (research-wise that is… who we are, what we do, etc.)
My favorite part was when someone representing him said “Joe Maalouf ma byontal” (Joe Maalouf is untouchable). That was when I felt disgust and pity to this hypocrite of a bigoted homophobe. He has a prime time show on TV that is supposed to protect individual rights, freedoms and freedom of expression. But, when folks express themselves freely, he does miracles to try and land them in jail.
You can check the whole story on Gino’s Blog.