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BBC Pop Up – Lebanon: Pimps, Prostitutes and Refugees

Here’s BBC Pop Up latest video from Lebanon. In this one, Benjamin Zand basically explores our red light districts. And just like he did with his video about drugs in Lebanon, he met with some local pimp who explained all about his “business” including lawfully locking up the women who work for him… and he interviewed some Syrian refugees who unfortunately had to turn to prostitution to survive.

As you know, following their previous video about Hachich production in Bekaa, the security forces raided the homes of some of the biggest dealers in that region (but failed to arrest them), which makes me wonder if the same thing is going to happen with this pimp now…


A new 5,000 L.L bill

I just spotted this new 5,000 pound note which seems to have been recently released.

5000 ll

If only Central Bank of Lebanon would consider making all bills the same (reasonable) size!

photo via @Joanna_Azar


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