Tag Archives | political situation

Power of the tire in Lebanon

Awesome work!

Power of the tire is a satirical piece depicting the current political and economical situation in Lebanon. It is meant to be satirical and does not reflect a real situation, but a personal interpretation.

Regarding this piece, it all started after watching Buck’s Take part / waiting for superman trailer, which seemed to have the exact tone for what we wanted. Some of the copy was so good and served our message that we had to use it.
Regarding the visuals, buck’s piece (Jr Canest’s style) is a huge inspiration for experimenting and learning motion graphics. So the intro which is almost identical started as an exercise/study in smooth keyframing, and as the piece took shape, we decided to keep it and give a credit to Jr Canest’s inspiring work. You can also find below a list for our inspiration for this piece. Hope you enjoy it.


Buck / Jr Canest : Take Part :: vimeo.com/12677264
Marcus Eckert : vimeo.com/rpgamer2003
Ron Gervais : Japan PSA Help :: vimeo.com/23179249
Water Changed Everything :: vimeo.com/22566556

/ Credits
// Production / Caustik
/// Art Direction / Amine Alameddine
/// Animation / Amine Alameddine
/// Character Animation / Rachel Mouawad
/// Additional Character Animation / Omar Labbad

Power of the tire also has a page on Facebook to share what else we can do with tires!

via Samer Nakfour


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