Tag Archives | quest

Follow Fadi Bou Karam As He Visits All The Lebanons in USA


Fadi Bou Karam is a Lebanese photographer who’s currently in the US on an unusual yet cool quest to visit all the towns and cities called Lebanon there.

The number of cities he’s planning to visit are 43 and it will take him around 5 months to go over all of them. His starting point was Seattle where he rented a used caravan in order to save on hotel costs, and the closest Lebanon town to him right now is 1 week away in North Dakota. This massive road trip he’s doing should end in San Francisco around March 2017.

You can follow his news and the photos/videos he will be sharing on the blog he set up LebanonUSA.com.

His first post included a cool find from the 1950s about the late president Camille Chamoun who invited the mayors of 7 American towns called Lebanon in order to introduce them to the “real” Lebanon. Back then they spent two weeks touring the country and each one was given a small cedar tree as a souvenir on their way back to the US.

Wishing Fadi Bou Karam good luck in this fun quest! It’s hard not to envy people who go on such long trips by the way as I always dream of doing something similar in the far east!

via @ritakml


Best man’oushe in town


If you’re not following No Garlic No Onions blog by Anthony Rahayel then you must be missing a lot. The blog features very interesting and detailed reviews of Lebanese and international restaurants and hotels, with tens of photos accompanying each experience.

Among some of the cool ideas he’s been recently coming up with lately is a quest to find the best man’ouche in town, which consisted of visiting several types of bakeries, the upscale, the dirty, and your regular neighborhood bakery to find the best among them. Read all about it here.

I know the winner in Anthony’s post might not have the ultimate man’oushe in Beirut since it’s practically impossible to visit every single bakery in the city, but you’ll at least get to learn how to judge a good man’oushe.


The quest for the best burger in Lebanon – Smokey O’z

Everyone seems to be on the quest for the best burger in Lebanon nowadays! Especially with the rise of several new burger places, like Classic Burger Joint, Brgr Co., and few others.

Until last week, my favorite burgers were the ones I usually have at Roadster Diner and Classic Burger Joint. But that totally changed as soon as I got introduced to Smokey O’z! And I bet you’ve seen their ads on Facebook a lot lately.

I decided to give it a try after I saw the extensive talks about the “Big Bad Wolf” burger on their Facebook page. The place is located at Sassine Square Achrafiyeh, and to my surprise it turned out to be so small! It only has a bar with 6 seats where you get to see the chefs preparing your burgers and sandwiches, no tables, and it mainly relies on take out and delivery orders.

Anyway enough talking, let me show you what I had!

They first start with charbroiling a drooling half pound patty…

Ketchup, mustard, and swiss cheese…

Crispy onion straws, aged cheddar cheese, and the juicy patty, waiting for tomatoes and iceberg lettuce to complete it.

… making up the Big Bad Wolf! Accompanied by just good enough french fries.

It was a treat! I had the burger for dinner after skipping lunch that day, so I leave you to imagine how delightful it was! The overall taste was really good, juicy patty, soft fresh bun, good cheese and fresh tomatoes.

Oh and it is easily eatable regardless of how oversized it looks! I mean you will not suffer from the patty (or any other ingredient) suddenly slipping out of the bun. A definite winner for me, and totally recommended. The burger is priced at 15,000L.L, and you get fries and a soft drink for an additional 4,000L.L.

Finally, the two chefs behind satisfying my hunger that night!

So.. are you drooling already? 😛


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