Tag Archives | sex

Transgenders in Lebanon


I was quite surprised to come across this gallery of three Lebanese transgenders called Hans, Toy, and Sasha who agreed to pose for a photoshoot for L’Orient-Le Jour. I mean let’s be honest, no matter how much the media try to show that we have a liberated lifestyle here, we still live in a relatively hostile society that acts negatively towards gay people, let alone those who actually desire to transition permanently to the gender with which they really identify.

Upon searching a bit, I found that even Patrick Baz, the photographer who carried out the photoshoot, was also shocked with the courage these three people had to actually agree to go public. But according to his story, they only grew a thick skin after getting rejected by their families.


Last month, Lebanese judge Jannet Hanna granted a transgender man the right to change his legal status in the civil registry. It’s definitely a good news for our juridical system to finally acknowledge that sex change should be a civil right for everyone, however the process was not straight forward for that man since his original request to fix his legal status after undergoing a sex change operation was first rejected by another judge but he appealed it. So given that not everyone is able to go through that procedure and get the same result, can you imagine the awkward situations these people experience every time they have to apply for some legal document? Granted, they get weird looks every time they go to their Mokhtar, at the airport, or event at military checkpoints!


It’s 2016, and it’s definitely about time our society becomes positive about people who experience a mismatch between their assigned sex and their gender identity. Claiming that transgenders and people with different sexual orientation are spoiling our society is no longer a valid argument, because I’m pretty sure the Lebanese media along with us are accomplishing a really good job at doing that!


NSFW – 1973 Liberality VS 2014 Rigorism in Lebanon

I just stumbled upon this old scene from a 1973 Lebanese movie and quickly recalled AlJoumohouri’a article yesterday bashing the beach parties at C-Flow Jbeil.


مسبح أو كاباريه؟

ففي نهاية الأسبوع قررت الصديقات الاستجمام في لبنان وزيارة أحد المسابح المميزة التي تجمع اللبنانيين على اختلاف أعمارهم وطوائفهم وإنتماءاتهم السياسية، وتهتم بهم وتقدّم لهم «خدماتٍ خاصّة».

فإستُقبلن بحفاوة وترحيب كبيرين ودخلن المسبح الضخم محاولاتٍ الاختلاط بلبنانيين ولبنانيات أمثالهنّ لكنّ الامر لم ينجح. فما رأينه على شاطئ الـ«سي ف» اللبناني من مظاهر خلاعة وسكر ورقص مبتذل وتصرّفات وقحة غير أخلاقية يتجاوز بأشواط مشاهدَ العراة على الشواطئ اليونانية.

فلِيضمن المنتجع لرواده عيشهم تجربة مريحة ومسلية مليئة باللذة والمتعة والشغف، أوجد «باراً» في وسط بركة السباحة وسمح لعشاقه بإصطحاب مشروبهم معهم الى المياه. أما الموسيقى الحماسية التي يلعبها فتدفعهم الى الجنون وتطلق العنان لمخيّلتهم فيبتكرون رقصات مبتذلة تصل الى حدّ ممارسة الجنس علناً.

لا يكتفي المنتجع بتدليل زبائنه بهذا القدر فقط، وإنما في ذروة اللذة يحضر لهم ثلاث عارضات من جنسيات غير لبنانية يرقصن على المنصّة أمام أعين مئات الرجال والنساء، إلّا أنه لا يسمح إلّا للفتيات بمشاركة العارضات الرقص مباشرةً على المنصّة.


I found it really funny that back in the ’70s it was quite normal for Lebanese actors to french kiss in movies and even perform erotic scenes, while Beirut also had licensed brothels and our newspapers used to advertise vibrators!

Fast forward 40 years, sex toys are banned from the Lebanese market, we make a fuss in the press every time a couple of actors kiss on TV, and then comes a journalist from Al-Joumhouria criticizing the beach parties at C-Flow Jbeil which caters for adults only!!

I don’t want to imagine what’s coming next in another 40 years time!


Lebanese man with high sex drive selling himself on TV

Some of the cases that Tony Khalife discusses on his show Lel Nasher really deserve to go on TV for the viewers to know about.

But I have no idea why does he bring upon himself people like this man who wants to sell himself to a rich lady and even promises to sexually satisfy whoever buys him! (Start watching as of the 19m20s mark)


Star Academy finally got its first SEX scandal!

While contestants in the European versions of Star Academy take the liberty to appear nude in front of cameras sometimes, Star Academy Lebanon makes a fuss out of a guy’s boner!

Filing this video under “sexual frustration”.


Another vibrator ad from the 1960s

Looks like these “massaging devices” were quite popular back in the 60s! You can check another ad I posted last year here.

vibrator ad

Even though selling sex toys is considered illegal in Lebanon, I always spot some vibrators on display at some pharmacies like Mazen in Cornishe El Mazraa.

I guess legalizing these toys will definitely ease the tension between the sexually frustrated fighting militias nowadays!

via Pure Nostalgia


New virus targeting Lebanese internet users

Apparently there’s some new virus targeting Lebanese porn surfers that displays a fake warning once you visit some x-rated website, claiming you have violated the law and requires that you pay a fine of 200,000 L.L to the ministry of interior via cashU or face 8 months to 1 year in prison.

So if you ever get that fake message, just keep calm and carry on browsing! (But consider maybe updating your antivirus once you’re done).

On a side note, the reporter needs to take a chill pill towards porn websites.


Lebanon Internet Porn Habits

According to Porn MD, below are the top 10 most common terms that we, the Lebanese, have searched for on porn sites over a 6 month period.


You can check what the world is searching for here.


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